Kim Iversen on the Flour Massacre.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      274 months ago

      The German government is an absolute joke in this context.

      I often listen to their press conferences, and it’s pathetic how they just can’t get themselves to actually criticize anything.

      Their goto response is “Israel has a right to self defense”.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        since it’s literally their fault Israel even exists, one can understand how they might not feel they have the right to comment… I mean it’s a hangup from like 80 years ago and everyone involved in the decision is dead but ok

  • @[email protected]
    234 months ago

    Not to be pedantic, but I wouldn’t call it genocide, I’d call it a massacre. It’s in the name.

    • alternative_factor
      14 months ago

      Yeah I’m a pedant and would call it Russia-tier war crimes, still obvious wrong and I’m sure that the bibi regime’s intentions are genocidal, but I’m not too sure on whether or not I would call it genocide because I’m unsure of the history of the region, from the series of massacres definition I’d say that’s too broad.

      Just to be clear there is a strong probability of it being a genocide, but the thing that sours it so much for me is that it’s South Africa that brought up the case. I Know MUCH more about South Africa than Isreal-Palestine, and in my opinion the South African Government is not being totally honest and just in the prosecution, as the case is a very easy way to score political points with the world while the government devolves further into corruption and a failstate.

      Of course that’s the problem with Isreal-Palestine, I really haven’t seen much in the way of parties I would consider neutral in the whole thing because of all the religious attachments and South Africa’s big and growing friendship with Russia.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Do 6 million people need to die first?

        Every single one of the 5 requirements to call it Genocide has been met. The 84 page document from South Africa was clear.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    To be fair, most of them were actually run over, not shot.

    It boggles the mind that they think this is a valid argument.

    Edit: I know it isn’t true, it was a bullshit claim initially made by the IDF. But how is running them over instead even remotely better?

  • @[email protected]
    184 months ago

    Does anyone have a link to this clip or press release? I tried to search but couldn’t find it.

    • hissing meerkat
      314 months ago

      Jerusalem Post article

      In response to the incident, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir criticized the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

      “Today, it was proven that the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza while hostages are being held captive in the Gaza Strip is not only madness, but it also endangers the life of IDF soldiers.

      “This is another reason why we must stop the transfer of aid. In truth, the aid only harms IDF soldiers and provides oxygen to Hamas,” he concluded.

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    Preface: I think it’s a genocide and I think Israeli government should be occupied and torn down. However, I understand many legislators in various countries cannot use those words.

    Part of the problem with demanding certain US Senators call it a genocide is that it’s grounds for expulsion from Congress. A Genocide allows for intervention due to the 1948 Genocide Convention, so by calling it that you’re asking for an invasion of an allied nation. Which can have you removed from office.

    That’s why Bernie Sanders calls it a “huge catastrophe”, “massive disaster”, “humanitarian crisis”, and indeed even “senseless slaughter” but none of that is good enough for certain right wing and centrist critics who want nothing more than to light a fire under his ass.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        And immediately as per your own article, House Republicans issued multiple measures to censure her.

        • @[email protected]
          94 months ago

          Which is not expulsion. Also Democrats supported this let’s not forget that.

          Silence is complicity. Nobody paid attention in history class it seems.

          • @[email protected]
            54 months ago

            Censure of a Congressman is the same process as expulsion with a lower vote requirement. One of her Censure votes passed with bipartisan support. It is meant as a warning to them that they can be expelled. There is no guarantee that Tlaib won’t be removed or that Bernie Sanders cannot be, either.

            For a fucking choice of words. All if this is because slaughter has different connotation to you than genocide? Israel is already being set upon by Houthis, Iran, and Jordan so what’s even the point, it’s not like the USA is going to invade Israel themselves at this point.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              More fence sitting and centrism will fix this. That has always worked. Let’s do that again.

              When Bernie got sabotaged by the DNC in 2016 and then he still told people to vote for the establishment. That really changed everything.

              • @[email protected]
                44 months ago

                You know what will definitely fix this? You trying to have left wing politicians expelled from Congress. /s

                Fuck off, Israeli Shill.

  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Hamas has killed all their hostages, huh? I mean, why would they still be keeping them? I’m not sure, but I don’t think this is exactly the response Hamas was hoping to get. They always talk about just standing up to the bully in stories or whatever fiction, but this whole little slice of history will be another example of the dangers of doing so.

    • @weirdingmodule
      234 months ago

      This is exactly the response hamas wanted. World opinion of Israel has gone down, Muslim nations in the area are attacking ships and US troops. It was the same pattern with the US after it squandered the sympathy they got after 9/11. Bad luck for everyone else that Netanyahu needs the bloody war to continue to stay in office and out of court.

    • DarkGamer
      44 months ago

      why would they still be keeping them?

      Hostages are worth nothing dead, that would make them lose the last tiny bit of leverage they had. But, then again they seem to be operating more on anger than logic so who knows.

      I don’t think this is exactly the response Hamas was hoping to get.

      Hamas wanted permanent war.

  • tygerprints
    24 months ago

    It’s more than just genocide, it’s what happens whenever you let men have unfettered access to weapons to hurt and torture and kill. It’s bloodshed and outright murder. And nothing in the world or in heaven above can ever justify it. There’s only one commandment about any of it - “thou shalt not kill.” (I’m not religious btw but, just saying). There is no exception because of “war,” or because of freeing hostages, or anything else.