• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    He’s Schrödinger’s Brandon: Too strong and too weak at the same time. I wonder if there is an ideology that typically uses this tactic to define an opponent?

  • @[email protected]
    14611 months ago

    The comments from the article were surprisingly not bad. One made a good point:

    The POTUS started his SotU speech with:

    “Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.”

    I have watched a lot of state of the union addresses and I cannot remember one that began with this stark of warning.

    Yet, all the articles being posted are about MTG and whether Biden looked/didn’t look old and who clapped and who didn’t.

    That’s a 5-alarm fire bell he just rang, broadcasted out to the entire country and world, pay attention to what’s important

    • @[email protected]
      2011 months ago

      Yes. Every other thing is rage bait to distract you.

      I worry that at this point if people haven’t figured that out they’re never going to

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      People forget that the point of the speech is right in the title. It’s not about the health of the country or political ideals.

      Once a year, the President delivers a speech on the stste of the union. It’s about how divided the country is and whether or not that division is a threat to the nation.

      If the country went full-fascist without a struggle that wouldn’t threaten the Union. If the Republicans were voted out of existence and we became a socialist utopia that wouldn’t threaten the union.

      What is happening now, with one party increasingly refusing to work with the other side and intentionally breaking the systems that make government work? Yeah - that’s a threat to the Union.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      They always say it’s an “unprecedented moment”. Let’s not act like there’s actual American Nazis in the streets or riots. That has literally happened many times.

      It’s actually been the norm for a lot of US history. We live in an unprecedented time of peace where it’s actually uncommon for this to happen. They just last year set aside the convictions of 110 black soldiers who were involved in a riot. None of the white police officers involved were ever punished.


      Edit: these cosplayers are nothing. Do you guys understand that this shit used to happen all the time?

      That’s why this riot happened. The police were beating up black men who were soldiers in uniform for no reason. Torches? That’s nothing.

      • @[email protected]
        5711 months ago

        You seem to be forgetting the actual torch lit rally which ended with an innocent woman being killed by a neo-Nazi. Remeber Trump calling them ‘very fine people’?

        And if January 6 wasn’t a political riot, what would you call it?

        Donald Trump was found guilty of rape. Nothing about this year is ‘normal.’

      • @[email protected]
        5311 months ago

        Let’s not act like there’s actual American Nazis in the streets or riots.

        How do you manage to avoid the pictures of actual American nazis in the streets and riots?

      • @[email protected]
        1311 months ago

        Damn. I know housing is in full on crisis mode but that rock you’re living under to save money is stunting your development as a seeing, thinking human being.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    He’s too low-energy, he’s old! He’s too high-energy, he’s… uh… Whatever! Vote for the guy who wants to do away with voting!

    These guys, I swear 🙄

    • @[email protected]
      2511 months ago

      Which is wild because forklifts really can’t go much faster than a brisk jogging pace. Not unless you strap a rocket to it. Coincidentally Rocket Propelled Forklift is my new band name

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        The forklifts at the sawmill I worked at went much faster than jogging pace usually, maybe 30km/h while loaded? Unloaded they of course can go quicker but safety and all. I think at jogging pace things would back up quickly at a decent sized sawmill.

        • @[email protected]
          611 months ago

          That may not have been a forklift, but a piece of industrial equipment that looks and acts much like a forklift while not technically fulfilling all of the forklift checkboxes

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Did you just move the goalposts on the definition of a forklift that moves goalposts?

            Well done.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              I actually laughed at that and had to explain this to my bewildered wife.

              But there actually is a difference between forklifts and other powered industrial equipment that you also forks on. Logging and sawmill operations usually need more versatility than a forklift can offer and their forked equipment is usually closer to farm equipment than anything else.

              • @[email protected]
                511 months ago

                Ha. Yeah, I went for the joke, but I actually used to work for a construction equipment rental company, and one of our common items was material handlers (i.e. boom forklifts). All that to say, I’ve driven one before!

                But I stand by the joke. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope your wife did too.

          • @[email protected]
            511 months ago

            Huh I didn’t realize that was a thing but after some googling it appears forklifts rarely go over 18mph. I’m guessing it was more on the industrial equipment side since they were only for moving the piles of cut lumber around, but they may have only gone up to 30kph in the yard too and I just never realized. Thanks for helping me learn something new.

  • @[email protected]
    9311 months ago

    Ah, those times when reality reads like an onion article.

    Fox News was ready to criticize Biden about his energy levels - they realized sleepy Joe wouldn’t land so they had to pivot. This is honestly feeling like 1984 satire, I expect to see footage from rallies were Trump supporters are quoted as saying “Biden is so angry and sporadic, I’m voting for Trump because he’s much more calm and composed” and the one guy that didn’t get the memo that they’ve always been at war with East Asia will hold up a “Sleepy Joe” sign before being shunned and photoshopped out of the rally.

  • @[email protected]
    5711 months ago

    The “he was too partisan” comments annoyed the shit out of me. Republicans are nothing if not hypocritical snowflakes.

    • @[email protected]
      3411 months ago

      That’s why i stopped giving their words any weight. They’ll complain no matter what, so fuck em

  • Neato
    5711 months ago

    Republicans will complain about literally anything to make anyone who opposes them look worse.

    We should only listen to Republicans in order to decipher (it ain’t hard, they aren’t subtle) what new atrocities they are going to be attempting next.

    • BarqsHasBite
      2611 months ago

      Not complain, they will attack literally anything.

      And if they ever run out of things to attack, they will create things to attack. Remember that recession that was going to happen?

  • @[email protected]
    2511 months ago

    Republican media has convinced their viewers that Biden is basically constantly confused and just slackjawed and drooling constantly. They set expectations for him so low, when reality didn’t bare out their caracicture they had to pivot. I think the implication they are going for is Biden was dosed with something to make him seem coherent, basically the weekend at Bernie’s president. Dumb, but so are Fox News viewers, so I’m sure it’ll go over just fine with them.

    That said, it did seem like Biden was yelling a lot. The few moments where he slowed down to talk about some somber topic came as a relief to me. To put a metric to it, I saw in Politico that the written version of his speech contained 80 more explanation marks than last year’s speech.

    • @[email protected]
      1411 months ago

      Their viewers aren’t watching the raw state of the address. They’re watching the sound bites, so the conservative media can sell it whatever way they want

    • El Barto
      11 months ago

      Well, what did you expect him to do when the other side is yelling stupidities all the time? When did a presidential debater had to tell the other side “will you shut up, man?” and call him “this clown”? When they run out of patience when trying to play by the rules, and the other side doesn’t.

      Then, you see that a segment of the population is still sleepwalking into fascism. Not some “maybe” danger, actual danger (the contender tried to keep power by force, and yet he’s the main contender?!) Venezuela went through this. Look up the Hugo Chavez story.

      The first two minutes of the speech was practically him saying “WAKE UP, AMERICA!! See what’s happening!”

      It was about time.

      The other side is a constant “NU-UH! NO U!!!” noise, and you felt “relieved” when Biden was speaking calmly?

      I say, he should have used 80 more exclamation marks.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      I was watching it on C-Span and they said the previous SOTU speech by him had 0 exclamation marks

  • @[email protected]OP
    11 months ago

    Gotta love these idiots’ logic.

    GOP: “SLEEPY JOE!!!”

    Dems inject him with Adderall or whatever juice to get him going.


    Biden: “muahahaha!”

    • Ben Hur Horse Race
      911 months ago

      honestly I hope he did take stimulants- by all accounts a river of lab grade amphetimines and benzodiazepines flowed through the trump whitehouse. gotta level the playing field