• @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    Isn’t there still a hill to climb even if they get subscriber details in proving the person who is the subscriber for that line had anything to do with any “infringement” that may of occurred. I thought speculative invoicing of subscribers had gone out of fashion as a piracy deterrent?

  • @Krasny
    34 months ago

    Spanish here. This is not accurate and the media is selling the message that La Liga wants.

    The sentence allows La Liga to get the data of the streamer, the person who share the signal illegally to make a profit, not the IPTV’s viewers, and even in that case there are some possible issues. That is a totally different thing.

    Here there is a Twitter thread of a Spanish’s lawyer which is an expert in this matter: https://twitter.com/davidmaeztu/status/1766025574449844405?s=19