How long do you last? Excluding foreplay.

No lame answers like “it varies”. If it varies, tell us how/why it varies and tell us a number anyway.

Heterosexual females/gay males, feel free to kiss and tell. Tell us how long your previous dudes have lasted.

Have fun with this thread. Discuss! :)

  • lowqualitythrowawayOP
    232 years ago

    As for me? Let’s say that even Duolingo knows and makes fun of me!

    I'm not even a minuteman.

  • @snake_case_guy
    162 years ago

    As everyone, it really depends on many factors:

    • When was the last time I had sex (1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour ago, etc.)
    • How was foreplay (if foreplay was amazing, then I have to double the efforts in not cumming)
    • How long I want to last (I can kinda control it, but there are situations where once I’m off the edge, it’s done)
    • Position and things being done to me (if I’m fucking a statue, then I can last as much as I want, but if I’m being touched, kissed and licked all over, then I can count the seconds)

    Anywho… anything between 5 minutes and 40 or so. After that I get tired, and I appreciate the effort of people working. The most I’ve been doing it has been 2hr. I must admit it got boring at the end. There are so many possibilities in a 1:1.

    • @Arashi
      62 years ago

      If foreplay is particularly good I honestly prefer to just actually cum during foreplay, so I can start sex in round-2 mode and last quite a while. Instead of going inside her already on the edge of blowing my load.

      • @snake_case_guy
        82 years ago

        I’m more of a one shot kind of guy. So if I cum outside, it’s game over for while.

    • lowqualitythrowawayOP
      42 years ago

      This is a great answer! You should publish this in a peer reviewed academic journal for NSFW Lemmy threads.

  • Mikey Mongol A
    142 years ago

    Essentially forever. If I want to orgasm not only do I have to concentrate, but I need very specific kinds of stimulation. It’s a real bother most of the time, but I have never in my life finished early, so…

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago

    With as infrequently as I get to have sex, (kids), 3 mins at best. When regularly having sex, more like 10. When I was depressed, it was a even start, and when I did, it was difficult to finish

  • @[email protected]
    72 years ago

    As long as I want to.

    Historically its been a struggle for me to get off at all. But there was a change recently, and now I’m able to get off but I have to be in a good mental spot for it.

    I have to brag about yesterday, where my wife brought me to orgasm in the morning before she went to church, and again that evening before we went to sleep. For someone who has had trouble climaxing before, and is now in his 40s, it was a shock.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    It varies is the answer for sure but I’d say 5ish or 10 minutes is average. It’s been longer, it’s been (much) faster, but it totally depends on context. Energy levels, general excitement, consumption of booze or other intoxicants, etc.

    My unfortunate observation is the longer I am with a partner the more comfortable I slowly become, and the less time I’m able to last.

    • @dazedandconfused
      22 years ago

      I haven’t been in a long term sexual thing yet, but I bet that as you stay with a partner longer, you’ve shared more about what turns you on and your partner gets better and better at doing those things.

    • lowqualitythrowawayOP
      22 years ago

      I find that last point interesting. I wonder if anybody else has had a similar experience?

      • @FrankeltoNSFW
        52 years ago

        Only 1 partner here, but absolutely been the case. I was soo in my head and focused on pleasing her and performing the first few months, I had issues climaxing. Now that we’re almost 3 years in? Shit fires off in 5-10m on average.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    No kidding

    Couple of pushes and done. No matter how hard I concentrate.

    Only when I’m high çn last for30 minutes or so.

    Was thinking about circumcision but I feel old for that.

    • lowqualitythrowawayOP
      82 years ago

      Couple of pushes and done? Same here hehe ;)

      Don’t get circumcised. Keep it natural. It won’t make a difference in how long you last and you’ll have lost your foreskin for nothing. That’d be really, really sad. :(

    • @snake_case_guy
      22 years ago

      Have you tried using thicker condoms or numbing with cream? I also know of people that use breathing of meditation techniques for this. I’m no expert in the situation, but asking before you need to go through the knife.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        I did try different type of condoms. Creams not so much.

        I will look into the meditation part as I am sure it’s mental related issue.

        • @snake_case_guy
          22 years ago

          I would also suggest you to go to a psychologist specialised in sex (a.k.a. sexologist), if you haven’t tried yet. What you are saying is a very common thing, and medicine has been working on this for years. We don’t have the final solution for it, but we do have many work arounds and if it’s something that is altering your life, you should try to fix it.

          My advices are going to be more sex-bro kind of thing. A trained physician or doctor will have better answers than me.

  • @Arashi
    62 years ago

    It really does vary. Going down on her is a huge turn on for me, so if it’s been a few says and we start things off with me going down on her it’ll be maybe 5 minutes before I reach the edge. If we’ve recently done it, or it’s round 2, or if foreplay was short I can keep going for 45 minutes.
    Of course it also depends on how long I want to last. I can probably finish in about 5-10 minutes if we’re just having a quickie.

  • @happy2bhard77
    62 years ago

    This is a real head game for me. I go early so I really focus on foreplay to get her going. I’ll last anywhere between 1 and 5 minutes UNLESS she cums first. For whatever reason, as soon as I know she’s satisfied, I can go for a lot longer. Why can’t I just start out that way? My mind hates me:)

  • Kyle
    52 years ago

    If I really want to draw it out I can probably last for like 45 minutes before I’m just tired and ready to finish. Sometimes I prefer the opposite and try to cum as fast as possible. Then it’s just a couple of minutes. Control is power!

  • @Immortal_Corrupter
    42 years ago

    As I went trough different depression/ADHD meds with them the lasting came and went (pun somewhat intended). When I lost my virginity somewhat properly, before any psychological diagnosis, I was all the way flacid, DNF and she still wanted to meet again (it was more complicated, unfortunately). Otherwise probably wanked too much, had trouble coming. When I’ve lost my virginity now fully properly I could not finish for a whole week of daily+ banging. At the beginning of the pandemic I was so hard to get off, that I could have semi-regular 2-3h sessions where I focused on my partner. Sometimes even DNF if my partner didn’t went the extra mile for rimming. Then I was pretty regular. Now I can’t last several moves inside my wife’s pussy 😁 and I have moments when I’m to tired to come this quickly.

    • lowqualitythrowawayOP
      32 years ago

      The last bit sounds like me. I’m too tired/depressed to try. When I do, it’s not even a minute!

  • @ayawnymouse
    42 years ago

    I’d say typically around 20-30 minutes unfortunately. (My wife doesn’t enjoy it going that long.) Sometimes it doesn’t happen at all, and sometimes it’s like 5 minutes.

    Of course I’m not helping either of us being here now…

  • @[email protected]
    42 years ago

    I’ve never measured the time, but sometimes she is too wet and I feel next to nothing so I take way more time. If I must guess, maybe 5 minutes

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Normally, about 3 minutes.

    If I’m on antidepressants, it’s more difficult to climax. And my partner is only into it until she finishes.

  • @fututio_enjoyer
    22 years ago

    It varies so much. Sometimes when I’m watching porn, I come in a minute or so. The last time I had actual sex, I couldn’t come and just fucked her on and off for a few hours until she stopped me.