with a little something extra too 😘 (it’s pretty much useless for penetration, based on recent experience 😅)

  • @jack
    73 months ago

    You look amazing ❤️

  • @ExhibiCat
    3 months ago

    You’re really hot! Love the breasts.

    • @WurstGurlOP
      33 months ago

      Thanks! I’m really happy with how they’re coming along

  • V-Neko
    23 months ago

    You look amazing! Can I squish them for “research purposes”? hehe. This gives me hope that my breast will also grow great when I start HRT.

    • @WurstGurlOP
      23 months ago

      Should the opportunity arise, sure! They are quite squishy!

      As far as what results you can expect, it kind of depends on your genetics, and kind of depends on the hormone regimen. What your direct family has naturally is generally in line with what you’ll get, assuming no family history of abnormal hormone levels

      • V-Neko
        23 months ago

        Judging by the genetics of the women in my family, I have hope. I kinda look like my mom. And yeah, I would love to squish those boobs (for science, lol).