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Sometimes a visual is nice just to help hammer home just how bad things have gotten in parts of the United States. We’ve got a lot of fighting left to do for trans rights.
I’ve never understood how the “keep the government out of my life” party is also the “I disagree with the way you live your life so I’m going to ban your very existence” party. Do they not see the hypocrisy? What a complete and utter lack of self awareness.
Conservatism has exactly one position, and understanding it will provide consistency to the entire political philosophy:
“The government must protect but not bind my group, and it must bind but not protect those not in my group.”
The more conservatism, the more you go towards feudalism. Where staying poor and obedient for the rich elite is your godgiven duty. Monopolies need to be protected, as they act with god’s mandate. Social rights are being formulated by a religious figurehead.
If every American exclusively votes for Conservatives for the next 100 years, America will revert to a confederation of Anglican and Catholic kingdoms.
It’s actually even simpler imo, “the government should do only and exactly what is convenient for me personally, everything else is irrelevant”
“I don’t want to look at those weird trans people, just get them out of my sight”, so whatever achieves that is fine with them.
that’s the same party that thinks life is sacred and is also pro death penalty.
No “think” in the approach
They can’t see the hypocrisy, because to them, it isn’t hypocrisy. They’re simply enforcing gods law, and gods law is beyond question. There’s no “argument” to be had.
Faith is maddening to rational thinkers for that reason.
To them, it’s as fundamental as gravity. If someone won’t accept something as simple and obvious as gravity, then they’re the one with the problem.
It feels odd to see it laid out graphically, the culture wars really are cutting the US up into bits.
I feel so bad for trans people living there now, and also worried that the far right here in Europe is relentlessly trying the same tactics too (though with less success over all, they’ve made headway).
I don’t blame culture wars. I blame conservatism. Conservatism is a plague of oppression, sickness and death. It always has been.
It should be socially acceptable to call out fascism in public. Smiling politely and turning the other cheek is how we ended up with this infestation of conservative hatred.
Culture wars are a direct result of conservatism, so it makes sense to target the tap root, not the leaves.
Hmm I feel if you replaced conservatism with liberalism you have the same argument but from the right point of view.
Culture war just sounds like the war on drugs or the war on terror to me. Probably be how we waste the next 10 years with nothing to show for it except maybe being closer to extinction.
That may be, but unfortunately things like nuance are never considered when conservative ideology is involved… Unless it affects them personally.
Nuance is very important. When one speaks, sometimes they ignore the nuance of the other side. Therefore, they never get to truly know the other side, and true harmony can never be achieved. Sometimes, those who claim or imply to be nuanced, are the very ones who are the least nuanced. If one side is pushed into a corner, they will fight back, hard.
I’m really disturbed to see far right parties getting small victories and gaining footholds in parts of Europe. I’m terrified about the increasing possibility that all of the west will be dangerous for queer people again.
Oh, my god. I’m cis-gender but this map looks like some dystopian shithole. It’s so surreal, something you should never have to see outside of tv shows like The Handmaid’s Tale.
Yeah, that’s why I feel it’s important to share things like this. The trans community knows how bad things are, but I’m not sure the populace as a whole understands how dire our situation is right now.
In fact, thinking about this inspired me to go on a bit of a rant on Mastodon. https://retro.pizza/@UngodlyAudrey/110606237101536700
That was a damn fine rant that I wish a lot more people would see. Thank you for speaking your mind about it and…whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry you have to try an exist alongside these knuckle-dragging hate-mongers.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Thank you for your work. o7
Take a look at the 2020 presidential election map and compare it to this one. There’s very little difference.
this is honestly incredibly heartbreaking. I’m glad MA is safe but holy hell.
(sidenote: the transphobes have found this post and are trying to stir up their hate. be sure to do your duty and block, report and move on)
Moving from FL soon. Fuck this place. Even just as a ally I can’t stand being surrounded by crazy gator fucking bigots. Now I’m born and raised in FL so I like a good gator pussy as much as any FL, but this my point stands.
Where are you moving to?
Conservatives should be excluded from one’s daily life wherever possible. It is not appropriate to do business with or keep relationships with bigots, racists, misogynists and xenophobes.
Conservatism is a harmful ideology of hate and oppression. It should be openly discouraged and shunned.
Dark times. Trans was barely a blip on the hate radar a decade ago. Obvious manipulation. When you start asking why the answers get scary.
Any mofo that has had a role in pushing this wave of trans and lavender panic has blood on their hands. In a just world, they would feel the pain that their bullshit has been causing.
I’m cis, so it’s our duty to call this shit out wherever we see it. Keep in mind that we’re dealing with fascists, and they don’t respond to reason.
This map breaks my heart.
florida’s “Do Not Travel” status is grim. Something has to be done
You joke but there are trans people in conservative states, and in the south those people are more likely to be people of color and/or people without means to leave.
I understand you likely didn’t mean it that way, but often we get dismissive of the south as a hellhole (which it is) without taking into account the people who actually live there who are disenfranchised and victimized by their own states.
A friend of mine once told me that a lot of the south is large communities of marginalized people being oppressed by a minority of right-wing shitwads. It blew my mind, and I think the demographic data supports that description in a lot of places.
more like “federal occupation”
we do literally have guns and a second amendment for this very reason. or y’know, we do an ol’ classic french move
I wish I could move from Texas.
Odd that a organization aimed at moving people at risk of legal or other physical safety risks would organize or work over unnecrypred discord. You’d think a serious organization would use Element/matrix or signal to communicate securly, very alarming.
I wish I could move from Kentucky, as well…
I’m glad to be in a small pocket of relative sanity in the northern midwest, but that map is appalling.
As a non-American, I’m absolutely shocked. I had no idea seemingly more than half the states were anti-trans. I hope Americans will fight against these laws and hopefully eradicate them. My hopes are with y’all.
Just a note for all the non-Americans: some of the areas marked in red have more cows than people.
I had the bright idea to go looking for what pro-hate laws Oklahoma has. Didn’t find a list, only found evil and sadness.
If they’d help us leave most or all of us would probably just go. No, that’s not good enough, they want to torture and kill us. frustrated sadness noises