All a ploy to get more game pass subscriptions. Or to raise the hardware prices again lol
I wonder if tweaking the minimum settings will be as easy as it is with other Bethesda games.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about here is LowSpecGamer’s video on Fallout 4. You can basically tweak the game down to the point where characters look like clay models.
I don’t think the specs are that outrageous, even for the recommended specs. your machine would need to be pushing nearly 10 years old with a budget build for it to really be a huge issue with the min specs.
I wouldn’t go crazy about this if you don’t meet the specs. The 1060 is one of the most popular GPUs on the hardware survey. They’ll figure out how to make it work.
It’s a good job 5700 and 5700 XT aren’t expensive. You can pick them up second hand, or use one of the graphics cards on AliExpress which seem to work okay. I think the CPU requirements will be harder to get, but you can find i7-6700 business desktops for cheap online and upgrade it with a GPU if you’re really cash strapped.
Edit: I know HP towers use custom PSU connectors, but you can actually a find an adapter that lets you use a ATX PSU pretty easily (I think Amazon has them)
Great tips mate, I’m going to try and find myself some second hand parts. Feels like if I upgrade I might as well pay a bit more because even a 1660 could cost you in this market
What do you mean by “even a 1660 could cost you in this market”, the crypto crash happend and now second hand GPUs are everywhere at low prices. The price for new GPUs have come down as well, just not for the latest generation. Are you somewhere in the world where GPUs are still expensive?
Edit: to be precise you can find things like the RX 6900XT and RTX 3090 significantly below launch price. The new GPUs are being kept expensive in an attempt to flush the old ones from the market.
My mistakea bit groggy I meant 1060. But yeah in my country computer parts are still pretty expensive except for a few specialist stores. People here are selling second hand pcs with 2015 hardware for almost 1000 euro.
You might want to consider refurbished PCs and/or parts from AliExpress then. AliExpress should have the same prices everywhere, and they normally sell unsual or unbranded products that are both quite useful and quite cheap.
As a patient gamer this makes me sad. At least I’ve got something to look forward to in a few years time I guess.
If it’s any consolation Bethesda games are usually cracked a week in. Could take a look if it holds up
My laptop almost meets minimum, except i have Linux not windows and would need to clean my disk up.
Feel like it’s gonna run on linux no probs
Only if i would some way to get around DirectX12 problems. Any tips?
Isn’t there a proton-ge dx12 fixes?
Dunno. Im not much into gaming.
Yeah you should try out proton and proton ge, from my experience the only games that unsupported are anti cheat games that decided to ban linux
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You can still use Geforce Now tho. Especially now that it supports gamepass games.
I’ve been waiting for something to push my 3080 TI and it looks like this will probably do it.
I guess this means my 5700 XT is getting outdated…
Barely holding on with my 1080.
You’ve gotten a solid 7 years out of it and it’s still going.
I know! It’s either going into a dedicated server or dedicated living room PC when I upgrade my main (and currently only) rig.
It’s crazy seeing 1080 being considered a lower-end gpu nowadays
1070ti is minimum!! Well fuck, my EVGA 1070 was a good beast while it lasted. I guess I’ll finally upgrade. I’m not happy about it.
Same, seething right now with my 1070. Has been pulling way better than it has any right to for the last 7 years
Don’t worry, GPU makers are working hard to ensure there will never be good value cards again. It’s incremental improvements every generation from here on out.
Though this is sending sales of new cards directly into the toilet, so we’ll see if they stick with it.