Deskmini only takes SODIMMs (notebook memory modules) not the desktop memory modules in your parts list. And as others say, no 3.5" drives.
Deskmini only takes SODIMMs (notebook memory modules) not the desktop memory modules in your parts list. And as others say, no 3.5" drives.
The AMD devs must have experimented with injection and test played with the new drivers before release. I wonder why this wasn’t caught by Valve then.
I thought what should have happened was either the dev would get banned, or contacted by Valve and get told they technique should not be used, before driver release, and they could have worked with Valve to fix their code and/or VAC.
Somehow the same content become appropriate just because some people know how to download an app.
Thanks. I tried to watch with subtitles off and predictably missed some of the conversation.
Still somewhat annoyed that there is no seat belt on the shuttle, even if it is to maintain continuity with TOS. M’Benga looked like he was going to bang his head and get a concussion when they were landing.
La’an: They won’t see us coming.
Zac: We totally saw you from the other side of the planet a hemisphere away.
What was Zac trying to accomplish? He lured them there with the Starfleet Delta, but he was not going to hitch a ride home. He expected whatever ship that comes to inspect to… forget and go away, or suffer some disastrous result when the crew become unable to function? Why not just stay low and be king if he wasn’t planning to leave?
Currently there are (is?) content-only servers like https://lemmit.online/ .
I have been thinking perhaps the idea can be carried further and we can separate the user-facing front end and the back end.
Imagine having multiple front end servers (e.g. fe1.site, fe2.site, … fe5.site) all connecting to the same user database and the same back end server which serves the communities and contents etc (call it be.site for example). A user signs up once and can login to any front end server with the same account, create a community /c/whatever on e.g. fe3 and it will be accessible automatically on fe1-fe5.
This is in addition to the back end federating with outside servers. Outside sees the community as be.site/c/whatever and users there as be.site/u/whoever. (or maybe make an alias like www.site/c/whatever www.site/u/whoever).
Additional front end servers can be added to spread the load if there are many users. If done right the users shouldn’t even need to choose (or be aware of) which front end server they log on to, it can be automatically load-balanced. Another idea would be that special front end servers can be created to only serve API calls for apps.
I’m not sure if this will have bottleneck somewhere else, but I think this is an interesting idea to explore.
Would there be any benefit to lemmy.world admins running a lemmy2.world and redirecting new users to sign up there? It would spread the load and federation between the two should be easier due to proximity and having the same admins.
Perhaps wait and see what the rumored upcoming 40x0 Super cards will be like.