I’m disappointed this video is doing so well in the Fediverse. It’s largely unsourced and highly speculative like most of the videos on TikTok.
Game writer. Galactic backpacker. Kaiju whisperer. My other ride is a TARDIS.
I’m disappointed this video is doing so well in the Fediverse. It’s largely unsourced and highly speculative like most of the videos on TikTok.
Montreal was pretty insane yesterday. The air pollution was barely tolerable, yet everyone who was outside was acting like nothing was going on. Some people would sit on terraces and some bars had their windows open wide. That was pretty wild.
Everybody in the thread so far has a pretty bitter take, and I agree that golden parachutes are a joke. But I want to offer a more neutral explanation:
Basically, for an executive at a near-CEO level, taking on a position at a new company involves a lot of risk. Companies want to hire a top executive who’s willing to take a career risk without having to consider their own bottom line. A golden parachute removes personal risk.
Now, it might seem like this runs contrary to the company’s own interests, but they exist to attract CEOs and other top executives. They’re meant to make an offer more attractive, and any offer that doesn’t include it will be less competitive.
As a PC gamer I have exactly zero incentive to buy an Xbox. I hope they never renege on releasing every Xbox exclusive simultaneously on PC.
In the grand scheme of things, the illusion that Russia can just wait out the West’s appetite for war is definitely shattered. It’s now clear Putin is running his own clock.
That’s still a concerning development as I’m sure nobody wants the Russian state devolving into pure chaos, or for someone even more hardline than Putin to take his place. That’s why I’m not too hot on people cheering for Russia’s collapse.
In the grand scheme of things, the illusion that Russia can just wait out the West’s appetite for war is definitely shattered. It’s now clear Putin is running out his own clock.
That’s still a concerning development as I’m sure nobody wants the Russian state devolving into pure chaos, or for someone even more hardline than Putin to take his place. That’s why I’m not too hot on people cheering for Russia’s collapse.
The plausible worst-case scenario is Prigozhin blames the war’s failures on Putin and the MoD, then calls for total mobilization and total war against Ukraine to win this. That wouldn’t bode well for Ukraine at all.
Thank you.
I’d take this argument more seriously if the shipwreck wasn’t ALWAYS mentioned in relation to the Oceangate story. I haven’t seen a major news outlet discuss it on its own, nor do they report on other migrant tragedies ever.
Mentioning this tragedy only to make a point about media coverage is pretty shitty IMO.
I should have specified I don’t bring it to a full boil. I turn down the heat just when it starts to boil.
Not claiming my method is better than yours! Your method actually sounds quicker, which is a good argument for it.
This is the Way.
I do it slightly differently… Learned to do it in Korea. But the differences in my approach are just a matter of how you time things. I bring to a boil uncovered, then cover and leave it on low for 25 mins, then 10 mins off the heat.
The gist of the method is not so much to boil the rice, but to let it steam in its own heat. That’s how you get soft yet consistent grains of rice.
With a bit of practice, you get perfect rice every time, and it’s barely more work than a rice cooker! The only things that a rice cooker add is stuff like timing the cooking for you, the ability to set a timer, and the ability to keep the rice warm once it’s cooked. (Which, granted, are pretty useful.)
Maybe somewhere in the middle, honestly. Highly publicized bugs at launch, people complaining they’re under-delivering on what we all knew was marketing bullshit, then bugs get fixed under the radar and the game turns out to be amazing by the time they release their first DLC.
People always harp on about not pre-ordering, but you know what’s even better? Ignoring launch hype. I mean, look at Cyberpunk.
Yeah, that’s my setup as well. Tech-savvy people tend to have an all-or-nothing attitude to security, but at the end of the day, as soon as you take some extra precautions like using a keygen or activating 2FA, you’re already taking yourself out of the massive pool of targets of opportunity that hackers go for.
Get ready for the blame game, because as climate change intensifies, that’s gonna happen over and over again. We’re leaving the “this may be real but is it man-made?” phase and entering the “okay, but it wasn’t MY fault” phase.