The way his first instinct is to run out of the room is somewhat telling, and that somebody kept filming and eventually let it out into the world somewhere.
If you think 60 questions are going to tell you anything more than that you’re the type of person who takes shitty online quizzes that’s probably an accurate assessment.
Moreso remarking on how things aren’t going great right now and our leadership seems to think making things worse is ok as long as it’s ‘temporary’ as all these ‘temporary’ hardships are starting to pile up together.
Notice that was a third individual. They were making a comic of the proceeding interaction as a joke.
I don’t really see where somebody implied it wasn’t.
I don’t know how much intent there was in hiring jackasses, that one always seemed more like hiring the richest guy who was in a vaguely related industry and at least acted like one of the Trumpets.
Kinda seemed more like a uterus to me, tip doesn’t stick out enough to look like a dick unless that’s what you were trying to see TBH.
They didn’t include government surveillance in that. I don’t doubt for a second the Chinese government’s willingness to regulate hotel door locks and whatnot. Better question is how much resources go into enforcement (zero isn’t a terrible bet) and how quickly businesses respond to the new regulations (I honestly don’t know China in that respect but I could see an American hotel in the same situation waiting until somebody proverbially twisted their arm on the issue).
Well if OOP put an uncensored one up, like I believe in right to be forgotten in theory I just don’t think it’ll ever happen as it just takes one character, or even AI to grab a copy and we’re never going to, in a practical sense have the skynet/statzi combo that’ll stop your image from circulating if you put it online at this point.
That’s a fantastic move but it also goes under “worst guy you know makes a great point”.
Not something I’d have the balls to wear in public but that hits like a Boeing hits the ground.
“briefly” they say as their house with boarded up windows gets robbed.
Bottom left is damn near blending into the background.
Cannot stress enough how downplaying the influence of shitty conspiracy theorist memes is how our culture got fucked.
An uncut steak? What does this place expect me to do, sear it too?
Agreed to an extent but there’s a good chance that was OOP on that one and honestly, the few pixel wide slices of skin and curly hair are only recognizable to the fantasy AI face recognition from boomer TV shows.
That goes under “making up somebody to be mad at” to me.
Much like all of Facebook’s current business they’ve also realized that people don’t need to actually exist in any real capacity to get the outrage addicts to make rage clicks.
Ahh, if it was anything other than just water, chicken broth maybe, you could almost argue you created something.