You might be a king or a street sweeper, sooner or later you meet the Grim Reaper
You might be a king or a street sweeper, sooner or later you meet the Grim Reaper
Don’t be sorry for your reply being long, it was clearly well thought out and considered. I agree on all the points you’ve made … perhaps the majority of people here didn’t like Picard 1 & 2 because it wasn’t repeating the type of story telling that Star Trek has typically given, but was a whole new thing. People, generally, don’t like change and I think in the current world there’s comfort to be had in the “monster of the week” style 90s shows.
Thank you for explaining, I was unaware of the situation. Having previously been an administrator for a large message board I know that the job can be difficult, but I have little regard for people who are unable to make an attempt at fair adjudication. Perhaps I should begin searching for a new home instance too.
I am required to say “Customer service is our passion” however to imply it is my passion would be incorrect.
Not enough deciduous trees for that!
Well, 1 and 2 both dealt with deep themes of grief and generational trauma … I appreciated that they tried to write a story with a deep meaning to it, even if it didn’t 100% work it was better than a lot of the recent things I’ve watched
The thing I liked with 1 and 2 was that they both tried to tackle big ideas of past trauma, even if it didn’t come out well the big thinking was in there while a lot of recent things I’ve watched has felt skin deep at best
Well, I’m glad it wasn’t just me, lol … I figured some people must have enjoyed it otherwise they’d have left it at one season!
If this thread is anything to go by, me and my other half were the only people on the planet that actually enjoyed Picard S1 and 2, and didn’t like S3 as much.
In that spirit, if a film is made I look forward to enjoying it even if I’m the only one.
Yeah, that was just what the organisers called it I guess.
I’m aware of that now, but at the time didn’t know anything about it … it was being done in a community space where there was a bar and plenty of space for activities.
A friend of a friend once talked me into going to a munch, where some scenes were going to be done. I’m interested in seeing new things and try to be open to having my horizons broadened, so I figured why not?
I have to say, not only did I find it intensely boring, it was also about as much of a turn-off as I can imagine any in-person experience being.
I love radio control trucks, but not for competition or to go fast. I like taking them for a walk like one might walk a dog … it’s just fun and a bit silly.
You may be right, the more of Voyager I watch the more flexible each character appears in order to fit around what the story requires. Apart from Tom Paris repeatedly being an idiot, that’s a constant.
We can agree to disagree and enjoy it on our own terms I guess. If I have been dismissive of your argument I would like to apologise, that was not my intention.
Not an obsession, I tuned out of watching Voyager when it was first on TV and I’m partway through a complete watch now … she’s simply my favorite character from the show, and given that Star Trek fans have a pleasant and active community here I thought it was a good choice. Perhaps I was mistaken.
Being interpreted as smug was not my intention, I thought I was simply stating my opinion with equal force to the poster above. How should I have responded?
Would you like 1 maglev train for 10km, or 10 extra trains to make better use of existing infrastructure?
Nice photo!
Also, I do love the Delta (and the Ebre in general, travelled a lot of it’s length this year up in Aragón)
Picard was written by different people who needed different things from the characters, however there were occasional moments where her previous manerisms showed through.
A feral child who was not ASD could have been portrayed like Mowgli (or, for a more Star Trek reference point, Tuvok when he had brain damage). Seven gradually learns how to navigate human interaction (and how to smile, for instance) through studying and is surprised when it’s occasionally useful, a non-ASD character could have learned through interpretation of people’s reactions and would have sought socialisation rather than peace and quiet in a neatly ordered cargo bay (I’m led to believe that’s how it works anyway).
You’re completely right, there is obviously no deeper meaning to presenting a character who is a mature adult yet requires structured classes in order to learn how human beings socialise.
It’s worth checking out Metropolis Street Racer and F355 Challenge if you’re into driving games. Also Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX was really nicely done.
I loved my Dreamcast, such a pity it couldn’t be developed further