There’s no polished arr-like suite for manga at the moment. All we have for now are jank systems that break (FMD2/MangaL/Mango/Lanraragi), take way too much time managing metadata & file naming(random github apps that are cli-based), and Tachiyomi(mobile) + Tachidesk(pc).
I’ve been in that rabbit hole already and I’ve wasted too much time (months). I just paid myself and bought an android tablet for exclusively tachiyomi than waste what little free time I have after work.
Hopefully one day we get a fork of tachi without the reader, keeps the plugin support, and improves the metadata & file management (let us set custom series names/numbering when downloading)
If it works by opening it in a sandbox then taking screenshots or printing it back to a new PDF. It should be good.
Edit: just read the github and it works exactly like this