Maybe if they just stopped reskinning AC without actually adding new stories/pieces of Eden/abstergo content… they wouldn’t need to do this…
Shadows will be the first AC game I don’t buy. Origins was good, Odyssey was great. Valhalla and Mirage were hot fucking garbage. Fool me twice, and what not.
What are you suggesting? That music, as an art form, didn’t peak when I was 15-25?
Lies and propaganda!
Who could have possibly foreseen this hilariously predictable outcome?!
I meant to take a pic of mine, but they were gone before I got the chance.
Haven’t we been hearing this for years?
Same. I used to be the upgrade every year person. Now I’m the hold on to it for as long as the battery lasts, get a new battery, hold on as long as that battery lasts, then maybe upgrade.
I’m clinging to my iPhone 13 mini for dear life. I just dont seem to understand the “improvements” any more. It feels like the same phone every year.
Oh, cool. Another $5.35 I’ll get from some class action suit in 5-9 years.
I mean… he has a Christian nationalist tattoo… you were surprised by this?
And this is why they will continue to pump our garbage…
We keep buying it, even when it’s shit.