A coin cannot cause this much damage to a microwave in 1 minute.
A coin cannot cause this much damage to a microwave in 1 minute.
Indecent exposure towards minors. How to end your career in one easy step.
While at it, why not eliminate all illegal settlements into Palestinian territory and force Israel back to their original, approved 1949 borders.
Proper lubrication combined with specifically designed parts that keep working while slowly wearing out (piston rings and sleeves). It also helps that whole thing is designed by engineers and perfected over 100 years.
A more ergonomic design that reduces strain on your wrist when aiming inside your mouth.
That’s mainly because microusb 3.0 was a failed tech, the cable was just so unwieldy and huge. Focus of S6 was on design so a large chunky port would be very difficult to keep.
Leave it to Apple to release a new iPhone with intentionally outdated, hamstrung technology just to upsell more expensive models.
My 2013 Samsung had usb 3, used a special micro USB 3 cable but still.
If you read/heard The Martian, it’s similarly themed and detailed. If you haven’t, then what are you doing! You need to go read the martian.
Project Hail Mary was fucking excellent!
Tell that to people running a 1080Ti or 1660. They can’t have dlss but fsr works great for all.
My cat let me not only grab her paw like that but also to trim the biscuit knives.
It’s sad they chose his name over Henry Coanda, Sikorsky, Frank Whittle or even Wernher von Braun.
No that’s not it. Those are very clearly scars from a surgery or something on her right ankle. You can even see on the other picture that there’s a minor scar on other side of her right ankle, so must’ve been a serious injury.
Sick burn yo
I can’t help but think “was this guy president of a major superpower for 4 years?!” Almost every single time I see any of his videos.
Those are some nasty looking scars on her ankle. What’s the story?
Looks like the TCAS system has been doing a fine job, which it was designed to do.
For those who don’t know, there is a system onboard every modern airliner that has one job: detect planes at (roughly) same altitude, heading towards each other. It then very clearly tells one plane to pull up while telling the other to dive.
Pilots are instructed to follow TCAS above anything else they might hear from controller or captain.
TCAS is why we have nearly no mid air collisions, especially considering the amount of planes sharing the same crowded space near airports.
They are cute little things called face huggers. Just give them as a gift to your lonely neighbour so they can get free hugs.