The black cruiser from before the fall of the Hegemony in the Hyperion Cantos tends to be the one that appears in my dreams the most, even 30 years later. Also the fucking tree ships.
Had to get that in before the vegan appears to bring everyone down.
I had a OnePlus One, and a 5, and I’m currently rocking a 9Pro. Fantastic phone, great photos, I don’t mind OxygenOS. The only problem I have is because it’s not supported by carriers in Canada (had no problems in the US), VoWIFI can be flaky which sucks.
If your child is missing 80 out of 180 days of school, you’re doing a bang up job as a parent.
New research also suggests that “truancy” is an arbitrary metric. The term refers to unexcused absences, but California gives individual schools substantial flexibility to determine what constitutes a valid excuse. (Certain reasons, like illnesses and religious observances, are always valid by law.)
Shayla frequently missed school because she was in too much pain to leave the house or was hospitalized for long-term care. Her school was aware of these circumstances; it had records on file from the regional children’s hospital explaining that Shayla’s condition would necessitate unpredictable absences and special educational accommodations. Peoples and the school had worked together to set up some of those accommodations, which are required under federal disability law. At the time of her arrest, Peoples claims she was fighting with the school to get it to agree to additional accommodations under an Individualized Education Plan, which she said the school had rejected.
So basically, it’s the school at fault here. Right?
This isn’t Facebook grandpa, you need to show your work.
What, specifically, are the issues you have with holding parents accountable for the actions of their children?
I’m saddened by the amount of taxpayer money that was spent searching for 5 millionaires who went missing while on a joyride in a test vehicle.
I tried Win11 for a month before switching back. The completely unnecessary changes to the Start and right click menus killed it for me.
It felt like I’d taken my car into the shop for an engine tune-up and it came out with a square steering wheel and the gas/brake pedals were reversed.
Right, but the volume of plastic entering landfills would have to be less now. While I appreciate that someone buying a half dozen peaches or tomatoes might need to double bag, the main purpose of those bags (at least in my mind) is to keep the contents separate from the other shopping items.
No one wants their lettuce brushing up against that box of laundry detergent, or their plastic wrapped chicken leaking all over a a loaf of bread.
Those statements conflict though. If the store buys thinner plastic bags to reduce costs, and more plastic is ending up in landfills as a result, then the store would have to be spending more on plastic bags.
Every time it’s mentioned it’s only about sending e-mail to different providers, but the analogy doesn’t cover for example browsing your e-mail inbox and seeing communication from multiple sources. Just covering how one individual can send messages to multiple individuals via a common protocol is only half the picture.
Honestly it’s more like the old mailing lists (Majordomo days), where individuals would subscribe to a list, but that list might also subscribe to other lists themselves, and then you throw a web interface in front of it.
I know you’re using the e-mail analogy to represent how SMTP and ActivtyPub are a common protocol, but I’ve seen the same analogy mentioned several times and I think it only serves to muddy the waters, because it’s incomplete.
I’m not sure you understand how outsourcing works …
Do you think if the mobile Reddit apps stop working (the ones that are miles better than the official Reddit app), mobile users are going to flock to kbin/lemmy? Are there any good mobile apps? All the ones I could find are extremely alpha/beta quality.
now Twitter only comes up if Musk does something really, really, really stupid.
So… any day that ends in ‘y’?
Also, those statements appear to conflict. Why are they automatically excluding ‘sensitive professions’ yet stating ‘it depends on the seriousness of the crime’?