Isn’t that the GTA font?
Isn’t that the GTA font?
I had the same hope the last time this clown was president (welp, there goes my US visa). It didn’t happen. Maybe this time it’ll be different but as long as conservatives have any saying in EU politics I’m very much sceptical.
I’d like NASA to speak up but it’s of course in their best financial interest to remain nonpartisan. Why should they alienate the Republicans and risk funding to expose an obvious lie? What good would it do? Many Americans don’t care about the truth or are unable to grasp it, even when presented with facts.
That was my first thought as well but if you think about it, it’s very much in context with the mutual feeling a lot of people have about the state the world is in right now.
I’m playing this game for the first time right now. It’s safe to say that it captivated me. The world they created is astonishing. Even after well over 50 hours I’m not bored at all.
Your post really captures the beauty that can be found if one takes the time to look. Thank you for your relentless posting!
I’m glad to hear it. Sometimes posting stuff on lemmy feels like talking to yourself, especially in a smaller community such as this one. Looking forward to the new season with the bunch of you.
Never tried it before but why not?
I really like the 3rd and subsequent 4th panel. It would be worse with only three, imho.
I prefer if you refer to procrastination as “working in mysterious ways”. That’s what I’ll do from now on.
What a delightful lemon!
Agreed. The reviews are way too good for a Civ game on release. Would be the first in a while that doesn’t need DLCs to be really good.
That would be amazing for cheese production!
I agree with you on that, late stage capitalism in full bloom. I was thinking about the time multiple decades ago, at the beginning of the last century.
It is really sad to see that we as a society are past our prime in multiple areas. At least when looking at it from a “western” perspective. And when I consider the political climate it seems that things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better. I resonate with the shower thought.
That has always been the case. I’d even say it got easier in the last decades, in general. That does not mean people are no longer struggling, of course.
Thanks for the heads-up. I looked into it and I’m very interested. I ordered the new print because there are not many used versions around.
Absolutely fascinating! Now I have a new entry at the top of my list of books that I need.
I love the idea! It would be fascinating to see how the richest humans alive try to give away as much money as possible, as quickly as possible. I’d watch that show. Hell, I might want to live in that reality!
For them it is a positive. They make money.