I have! It’s just as good, but a little pricier and takes longer to get shipped to me.
I have! It’s just as good, but a little pricier and takes longer to get shipped to me.
For all the terrain printing I’ve done over the past 3 years, I’ve stuck to plain Overture PLA. In the Prusa printers I use, they’ve been the most reliable with almost no stringing.
Yep! It’s a Targetin’ Squig. Gives him a little boost on his shoota, hitting on 4’s instead of 5’s.
Still no fix for the Mob Rule strat for Orks. :/
Would it be Lollapaloozork or Bonnarork?
When I tried this (default controls, mapping left alt to one of the back buttons) the game would pause while swapping to the mouse and keyboard overlay and stick to that until I hit another button. I wasn’t able to move around while the overlay was swapped. Was this the same for you or did you map it in a different way?