Yeah but the water company can’t go bankrupt because it provides a key service. So the government will HAVE to rescue it and thus they’ll HAVE to pay the investors something. Might be a write down but one way or another tax payers will be on the hook. I’m not supporting this shit btw. The water companies are a natural monopoly so should be controlled by the government and never have been nationalised. I’m just saying what is EVENITABLY going to happen.
The only use of crypto should be for annonymised online transactions especially between boarders.
You know when you swipe left on your android? That. Also Youtube.
Why are people listening to him? Fuck!
In London? Totally. People keep to themselves to avoid upsetting people or getting tackled on other stuff.
I went to the isle of Mull and drove the whole way there and around it. It was breath taking. Definately a good move. I think the isle of sky has a bridge so even more driving.
Banned too. Soz mate. Can’t help
Unfortunately, we live in an age wher people will do anything to seperate you from your cash. Either help people in need directly or make sure you research a charity before donating.
That would be illegal. That’s just seizing assets that they legally own.
Fucking lol. What a nothing burger. The UK is going to say, no way. Your oil and territory is ours. Your opinion is irrelivant.
Everyone hates tourists and gentrification but when they leave, then you get places like Blackpool. Tourism brings money to areas that can’t have other industries. Thanks for the link OP
Lame. Boo!
Ever since after world war 2 Uk inflation has been high compared to other nations in Europe and the US. Get your cash out of the UK. Invest in the S&P500
The experts said that inflation was temporary. Look how its going now.
Nationalise it!
But if what is the tories reprivitise it?
I keep hearing this more and more. Banks shouldn’t be allowed to just shut down someone’s bank account suddenly without warning or explination. You need a bank account. You can’t opperate in the modern world without one. It’s unpersoning someone.
We are watching our high trust society crumble around us.