Obey The Hypnotoad!
Obey The Hypnotoad!
I don’t like the username decision but it didn’t seem hostile to users. People seem to pick a username, update their server profile, and move on. My account is old enough that I picked my username pretty early in the process though.
I agree that casual users likely found the discriminator confusing, though I never verbally shared my username with people. It didn’t seem like a strong enough reason to warrant the change.
Why do you consider it hostile? I doesn’t seem like it has degraded the overall experience.
Does Archer permit belly rubs? This looks like a clever ploy.
Wonderful cat. I’ve thought about taking my cats outside, how do you ensure they don’t run off without a leash? We tried a harness and leash but the cat didn’t enjoy it, at all.
Congrats! She’s Very cute, any idea how old she is?