This happens on mine with facebook book being installed by samsung themselves, i dont think i get the mobile services manager thing. And mine isnt from a carrier or locked to one
When i first joined a couple days ago i kinda missed the karma, but i see why its bad
And that massive 2.0 update for cyberpunk. Ive been playing recently, tho ive found its still quite buggy, hopefully that update fixes the bugs
Cant move the taskbar? Do you mean in windows 11, cos its possible in windows 10. If so i have just another reason to be glad i didnt make the move
Ive seen some things (totally unrelated mobile apps) make ads optional. I think its a good idea if youre iffy about having them but do need them to keep the site up, im sure people would be happy to enable ads to support these types of sites. Plus cant be any worse than the shite youtube has for ads
Do you use Graphene or just the stock os. If stock what is the stock os, is it stock android or android modified by google?