You can assume they are assuming because they are wrong in every way about what a different group thinks.
You can assume they are assuming because they are wrong in every way about what a different group thinks.
With a recommendation like that, I HAD to try it! Thanks!
You know, I always reread my comments before hitting the post button so that I don’t leave mistakes but somehow I still miss stuff like this. I’m starting to realize why I needed all of the extra credit in the first place.
My trigonometry teacher in high school had an extra credit corner. There were daily math puzzles and similar ways to get a couple of points here or there. I figured out that even if killed the rest of the term, I would finish with a low B. With the daily puzzles I could maybe bring my grade up to a more solid B, but an A was out of reach. Then I realized that one option was to bring in a cutout of a cartoon that had something to do with math. He was talking about cartoons from the newspaper, but this was in the 90s when digital media was starting to be a thing. I did a Yahoo! search for math cartoons and printed out hundreds of them. I printed anything that was even tangentially related and brought in a stack of papers an inch thick on the last day of class. It was enough. I got the grade by the slimiest of margins and the next year the extra credit corner had a 2-cartoon limit.
I didn’t think this would be true
How do I give you some Reddit Lemmy gold?
Can confirm. Mine says “Error. No posts.”