Rough. It’s pretty reasonable to assume everyones experience will differ. But sounds like you got the short end of the stick.
Rough. It’s pretty reasonable to assume everyones experience will differ. But sounds like you got the short end of the stick.
I’ll double down on the slight pitch.
I never got the kick in the nuts, was back to doing stuff the next day. Even resting for the rest of the day seemed silly for me.
Super easy. Took 10-15 minutes, chatted with the doctor while he lasted my tubes away.
Honestly, so easy it’s stupid to not do it if you’re serious about it.
It doesn’t need to be true, just convey a point :p
As one in engineering, I think our work is less about precision and more about solving (challenging) problems with what is needed and nothing more.
Anybody can build a deck that stands up, an engineer can build one that’s just strong enough to stand up (for rated load haha)
I come after the great reddit API purge. Haven’t looked back and I’m happy for it.
I’ve gotten part of my life back as a result.
Sooooo much freeedommmm… By limiting self expression.