BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea 1. Not quite hooked yet because ammo is almost too scarce to call it a shooter. But I want to like it.
Also playing Dead Cells, which is great but the higher difficulties are very very hard.
BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea 1. Not quite hooked yet because ammo is almost too scarce to call it a shooter. But I want to like it.
Also playing Dead Cells, which is great but the higher difficulties are very very hard.
Hey, it took 2 & a snake to defeat him, that’s flattering in its way.
What’s important is individual choice. You should keep systems that exhaust you at arms length, & integrate systems that benefit you into your life. Everyone should have options for structuring their life to suit their idiosyncratic needs.
Edit: Also, keep in mind that news orgs make money by showing you technological failures.
I appreciate that, but I find it a satisfying challenge for approximate algorithms.
Several people told me to skip Consider Phlebas & start with the next one, The Player of Games. I did that & found it perfectly accessible & enjoyable. Haven’t read any others yet.
Player of Games features a civilization that is both congenial & incredibly high tech. There is a satisfying exploration of sci-fi board games, including a game with a ludicrously complex board that stretches over several tennis courts. I liked it.
Sounds reasonable & relatively low risk to me.
I like the OpenVibe app. That’s as close as I’ve been able to get so far.