If needed I can provide proof of ownership of my reddit account in which I’ve been a somewhat active member of trans and lgbtqia+ communities :)
If my help is needed, I will do my best for this community
alice 28 y.o. she/her
I am also @aliceitc@iusearchlinux.fyi
If needed I can provide proof of ownership of my reddit account in which I’ve been a somewhat active member of trans and lgbtqia+ communities :)
If my help is needed, I will do my best for this community
Do you want to be trans?
If the answer to that question is not a very easy “absolutely not” then you probably are.
If the answer to that question is a very easy “absolutely not” the result is indeterminate.
but you can’t figure out why
yeah that’s the thing! I’ve always hated going to the beach since puberty (but went nonetheless) and I really didn’t know why. Now I know and everything makes sense!
It’s still a rule on this community: only memes should be allowed and this is not a meme (emphasis mine)
- No personal-life posts, bingo cards, quizzes, selfies, “trans/not trans” lists, picrew, or non-memes.
if needed I can do it (I think?)
I really loved both jokes, I think you have a great sense of humour
I’m glad it’s back 😍
an upset expression from a 6’2" person is somewhat more affective
I giggled (and I’m sorry you hate your body, I understand your feelings, can’t do much about it except offering you hugs ♥️)! I doubt that would work for me as I’m literally the opposite of a strong person sooo nobody would get scared lol 😂
for example? what would you say?
Yeah I understand that feeling… there are very few pictures of me as well since middle school and I hate every single one of them! My family for some reason likes them so you can find them on the walls sometimes and I cringe every time!
Side note, I’m reasonably sure this is why my cat at the time suddenly became more affectionate, he didn’t really like men so when I stopped smelling like one he stopped perceiving me that way. This was well before any visible changes occurred.
wow this is really mind-blowing! and I’m super happy that your cat sees you as a woman ♥️ please tell your cat that alice said hi and cuddle them for me ♥️
Just in case, you know, a Witch happens to curse me and transform me into %(another gender)! I’m totally cis I swear!!!
i really hope that will happen to me as well :) but I guess I just don’t like taking pictures in general so I don’t expect much to change in that respect 🤣
I’m fine thank you for asking!
I’ve also had one of the best days of my life! I met other transgender young people and our respective parents and we spent a lot of time together sharing experiences and love and got to know each other better!
It was a lovely experience and I managed to cuddle with everyone (cuddling is my love language) and so I’m very happy and satisfied!
you could say that I’m living an emotional rollercoaster these days: I have supporting people around me and that makes things easier ♥️
How was your day?
deleted by creator
that have been my experience all of my life since I started growing up… didn’t realise until much much later (25+) that it was dysphoria!
I’m currently dealing with one of the worst dysphoria crisis I’ve ever experienced.
Hugs :)
I was very afraid of telling people my chosen name until I came out to two female friends of mine and the always introduce me as Alice and they love me very much and their friends as well.
Feeling loved as Alice was for me the “click” for internalising that “I really am Alice”
I am still scared to introduce myself as Alice because I don’t pass very well and I don’t want people asking me questions, but at least I’m now 100% that I’m Alice, a girl, and that I want people to refer to me using the feminine forms of my language :)
switching from calling me handsome to beautiful ❤️
omg that sounds like it would melt my heart into a puddle from happyness 😍 🥰
maybe people “feared” telling you even if they noticed because they were afraid of making you uncomfortable!
or maybe they thought that anyone is allowed to smell nice not only girl and those are the best vibes.
It’s really really funny when one of my best friends (who is a girl) tells me “you smell like my ex girlfriend…and I like it” lol
i even forget photos exist.
i never take pictures. not only pictures of myself but even pictures about things I like.
I was so badly hurt by pictures that I don’t like them at all!