Do streaming sites actually work for others? Like reliably? At least for me, sometimes they work okay, and I can watch a movie without any buffering, but most of the time I have to deal with lots and lots of buffering. Sometimes every few seconds even. Maybe it’s because of the VPN? Never tried it without. But then again, even with a VPN, I get around 75Mbps.
Why does the faucet look like a telephone lol
I recently tried to do that but after hours of trying l had to give up. If there’s a way, I’d really like to know too.
Just add HideDesktopPreviewBanner=true
to the [General] section in the ~/.config/kdeglobals
file and restart plasmashell with systemctl restart --user plasma-plasmashell.service
or just log out and back in.
I use the Firefox flatpak on multiple different desktops and distros and I’ve never seen this issue. All on wayland (no difference on x11 either). Weird.
Tell me if I’m wrong, but to me, it very much seemed like passive-aggressive irony. Like “Thanks for telling us this absolutely pointless fact that nobody wants to hear because it’s stupid”. Plus, I guess I also mean the other people who disliked my comment for seemingly no other reason but me deciding to not use something. Why does it concern them?
Why so toxic? What is wrong with me saying that I probably won’t be using it if it isn’t open source? Why does that bother you? (Serious question)
Too bad, I guess I won’t be using it then. But thanks anyway.
Will it be open source? Or is it already?