Non paywall version here :
Non paywall version here :
Non paywall version here: https://archive.li/73Df4
I live in Scotland. Read about academic research on how BBC Scotland frames stories vs. how similar stories are framed by BBC Wales:
Even within Scotland read how stories are framed by the BBC Scotland vs. STV News:
There is no other word to describe this but bias. Not right vs. left . . . but Westminster vs. Scotland.
ROFL. Or I could just continue to pay £0.00 and not watch the BBC’s biased BS.
I had to scroll down THIS far to see Pimm’s? WTF? Are there any actual Brits on here??
Ok, fine, clearly good news. But PM Sir Starmer . . . just a red Tory.
12 years on Reddit - joined in the big Digg meltdown. Deleted both my Reddit accounts this morning. Feel better already. Lets hope the Fediverse really is the fix for big corp owning the online “common space” . .
12 years for my primary account, 11 years for my “other” one. Like many at the time, came over during the Digg meltdown. Just before the API went to paid, used a tool to delete my 15,000+ posts/comments. Deleted both accounts in early July. Used Teddit a bit to still follow one or two subreddits, but now that has stopped working. Unless it pops up in a search, I doubt I will ever visit again. RIP.