2 года назадIs this like some sort of set fire to the restaurant kitchen scam but for an allegedly former $40 billion company?
Is this like some sort of set fire to the restaurant kitchen scam but for an allegedly former $40 billion company?
Some actual Lex Luther level evil. I remember a scene in the old Justice League or Superman cartoon. Someone walks up to him and he hands off a tablet and says something like, here’s the cure for cancer now break it up in to 10 treatments and charge $1k per dose. Repugnant in a cartoon and worse in reality.
First thought, huh I wonder if John Green knows about this.
Clicked link… it is John Green, so I guess he knows. Healthcare should be nonprofit!
Teslas are now the more expensive finance bro Patagonia vests, but on the road I’m seeing more polestars and other Ev’s.
Probably wait till the first triumvirate devolves into civil war then a second triumvirate and another civil war thus giving us Princeps Octavian. So about 45 years from now