Then I hope you read XIII which is also by Van Hamme. I find it superior to LW and man what a story. Very story dense and story rich. I’ve read it multiple times and what a ride each time.
Then I hope you read XIII which is also by Van Hamme. I find it superior to LW and man what a story. Very story dense and story rich. I’ve read it multiple times and what a ride each time.
360 geo gang
Well at least you can get dope equations on your grave (this is Boltzmann’s grave in Vienna)
Rule 1: Never pre-order
Pihole doesn’t work for Youtube ads as they come from the same dns
I fully agree. But that’s the thing, if you don’t consider LTT as a tech channel anymore, like GN or whatever, it’s fine. I now consider LTT as pure entertainment, I will never go to them to actually buy a PC or a tech product. For that I go to forums, I watch multiple reviews, etc. And if the production value is all they have, I’ll just watch it like a show with actors that are - well - acting.
I’m not trying to defend LTT, what they did was shite and I feel that they should be held accountable. But let’s compare apples with apples, LTT isn’t a tech channel anymore.
Same here but I found the white iris to be actually ok. Lots of jokes on French modern society.