Ice Cubes is great for me, beautiful UI and cute sound effects
Ice Cubes is great for me, beautiful UI and cute sound effects
name a single grand master plan that elon has ever pulled off
i can’t tell if that post is irony poisoned or they genuinely talk like that
chump change for the zuck, but still way better than nothing! good job norway
mark receives: our data
we receive: a suddenly globally unionized force of unhinged conspiracy theorists
(which is far superior to vlc in graphical fidelity out-of-the-box)
if you want to jailbreak it, there’s a spreadsheet somewhere detailing which models to avoid
but honestly, before i figured out i could jailbreak mine, i was just using it in airplane mode 24/7 and transferring stuff over usb with the EXCELLENT software Calibre. highly highly recommend! the only benefit i get from the jailbreak is that i can use a more customizable reader (fonts, margins, night mode), and that i can now transfer stuff from Calibre over wi-fi without having to create an amazon account. bliss!
i’m out of the loop here: is imgur in kahoots with reddit? i know that imgur has been the go-to hosting solution for redditors for ages, but are the companies intertwined? do i need to boycott imgur as well?
i kind of wish they would direct people towards the fediverse version, but i don’t know how easy that is for them to do without upsetting someone at microsoft behind the scenes
lmfao. reminded me of this banger
there is no shame in liking games, but it’s a pretty big turn-off for many people because of negative stereotypes (especially in your age range). do yourself a favor and find another hobby to talk to people about (music, films, exercise), and then once you’re close with them and they won’t immediately discard you based on those stereotypes, you can start to share that part of yourself
OR you can keep being totally upfront about gaming being your #1 hobby and hope that you’ll meet your soulmate who happens to share the exact same passion. either way, good luck :)
yeah maybe it was a pretty weird way of making my point, my bad. i just wanted to point out that if you are a person who likes dogs and wouldn’t dream of hurting one, it’s weird to not show the same respect for other animals
meat isn’t straight poison, but it’s not good for your heart
dude (with a US flag mask avatar) straight up mentions gab and expects people to take him seriously
physical labor, it has nothing to do with meat (which you shouldn’t eat if you value your health or like dogs)
that sucks. i’m guessing that the dev team are good folk who oppose DRM, but it is being forced onto them by their publishers.