I really don’t have beef with you guys And i appreciate the balls you guys got for not defederating, we all play a part, and if you ever want to hear me rap I’ll put that wigger shame
I really don’t have beef with you guys And i appreciate the balls you guys got for not defederating, we all play a part, and if you ever want to hear me rap I’ll put that wigger shame
Lighten up man, laugh a little, life is too short, it’s Friday, go get some booze and make a mistake lol I’m just fucking with you guys, I’ll leave ya alone now, hope you enjoyed my performance art, wigglehard out
Reeeeeeee!!! This song!!! Disco inferno makes my bunghole hotter than pizza Dijorno https://youtu.be/mnkntLDNXCs
Its performance Art reeeeeee!!!
The last time i was useful I put on a pair of rollerblades and let a midget ride me around like a human Segway while I repeated over and over danger Will Robinson danger
Reeeeeee Biden is code for bum gum!!! Chew it up spit in my rectum, after that, watch me do a really cool trick where I blow bubbles throw glitter in the air and then throw on a fan and play 70s disco music. Nutella is racism bigot keep up!!! Hmmph
Omfg!!! Im a proud deer kin bigot!!!
Reeeeeeeeee!!! Call me, ma’am reeeeeeee!!!
The only thing that’s mine are those riding with biden bumper stickers that I have placed as a tramp stamp right above my butt crack to remind the world who my Lord and Savior is, reeeeee now excuse me while I grab my jar of peanut butter and spread it all over my dogs balls so I can lick it off because for too long, we are relied upon them to be man’s best friend reeeeeeee! It’s time to be more inclusive
Reeeeeeee let me see so o can compare it to the black guy who is going to have sex with my girlfriend later while i cry and masterbate to trump saying “yuuuuuuuge” on old apprentice episodes! Reeeeeee!!!i hate trump
Reeeeeee! Don’t you understand that mickey mouse literally is killing Bipoc trans kids… reeeeee!!!
I always jam out with my clam out
Were you On ruqqus btw the old site?