Me? None. But I left room for someone who might.
By DMing me you consent for them to be shared with whomever I wish, whenever I wish, unless you specify otherwise
Me? None. But I left room for someone who might.
Seeding to ratios is self correcting, in my inexperienced opinion as I only share ISOs.
Unpopular thing sits on someone’s computer (not mine) for ages just happily waiting until it’s useful. Popular thing is in and out. Purely for files intended to be churned; try a distro (in facebook’s case a book), use it, and delete it.
1:3 could be said to be a minimum (1 for to pay back, 1 to pay forward, and 1 to pay for a leecher)
Things that are going to be archived can be set as limitless as long as strain on hardware can be tolerated.
I’m glad I’ve already pulled my audible library in to audibookshelf, I didn’t have many ebooks so didn’t bother with them. I’m moving to librofm this month I think.
History is what it is. Reality is what it is. It won’t be productive while you imagine it to only be a tune in my head, and resort to insults.
As predicted, not going to be a productive conversation.
Same with those civil rights people, they were always marching, and shouting, and angry at an unjust system, and scared of police beatings. Always complaining about lynchings and how they were oppressed. So scared and hate filled.
Funny how history rhymes. They’re scared and angry because they have something to be scared and angry about.
I’ll leave this here. If that doesn’t make you scared and angry then I’m not sure we’re going to have a productive conversation.
Update went fine on a bare metal install. Customising the webUI port is a little easier now, instead of editing lighttdp.conf I think you can do it in the UI.
I struggled to find some settings, I looked for ages for the API token. Found it in all settings: expert, scroll for half a mile down the webUI API section.
Also, struggled with adding CNAMES in bulk, I thought you could do that in the old UI. You might be able to in the new UI. I just 'one by one’d them.
Docker update went flawlessly.
I have an lxc and to go which is a task for another day, unless TTeck’s updater beats me to it.
+1 for running pihole in an LXC, and a redundant pihole in a docker container.
They never update at the same time, or in the same way so near as dammit constant uptime.
What does IR red shift into over cosmic distances? But it would be just as, if not less, noticeable as a star suddenly dimming to [100%-optimal capture rate]
Cis people are not entitled to teachers. Trans people shouldn’t be forced into a teacher role for all trolls on the off chance they’re merely clueless. Many trans people have shared their lived experience, including in this thread, it isn’t hard to find.
Here’s the ideal solution: person spreads their ignorance. Their ignorance is dutifully removed. Person goes on to learn why their ignorance was ignorant and maybe thinks before speaking next time.
The other “benefit” to the sphere is blacking out a star. Other life, should it exist, is less likely to find the structure. ITT people destroying my dreams of a big shelly boi
My main storage is a mirrored pair of HDD. Versioning is handled here.
It Syncthings an “important” folder to a local back up only 1 HDD.
The local Backup Syncthings to my parents house with 1 SSD.
My setup can be better, if I put the versioning on my local backup it’d free space on my main storage. I could migrate to a dedicated backup software, Borg maybe, over syncthing. But Syncthing I knew and understood when I was slapdashing this together. It’s a problem for future me.
I’ve been seriously considering an Elitedesk G4 or Dell/Lenovo equivalent as back up machines. Mirrored drives. Enough oomph to HA the things using the “important” files: immich paperless etc.
My big problem is remote stuff. None of my users have aftermarket routers to easily manipulate their DNS. One has an android modem thing which is hot garbage. I’m using a combination of making their pi be their DHCP and one user is running on avahi.
Chrome, the people’s browser of choice, really, really hates http so I’m putting them on my garbage ######.xyz domain. I had plans to one day deal with Https, just not this day. Locally I just use the domain for vaultwarden so the domain didn’t matter. But if people are going to be using it then I’ll have to get a more memorable one.
System updates have been a faff. I’m 'ssh’ing over tailscale. When tailscale updates it kicks me out, naturally. Which interrupts the session, naturally. Which stops the update, naturally. Also, it fucks up dkpg beyond what --configure -a can repair. I’ll learn to update in background one day, or include tailscale in the unattended-upgrades. Honestly, I should put everything into unattended-upgrades.
Locally works as intended though, so that’s nice. Everything also works for my fiancee and I remotely all as intended, which is also nice. My big project is coalescing what I’ve got into something rational. I’m on the make it good part of the “make it work > make it good” cycle.
The Curry Guy has a recepie as jumping off point. I don’t know about local brands to you, but Patak’s is a staple here, their hot lime pickle is what got me onto the concept. I still get a jar every now and then, but the flavours are the intense kind that I get bored of and forget about, till the jar goes moldy.
So when I buy one, I kinda force myself through the last third. On bread, off a spoon, on pasta, some ungodly creations I swear.
Lime pickles. They’re delicious, I can’t get through a jar on my own but I’ll get no help.
In that case. Homarr is awesome, no complaints.
I probably won’t retroact this, my family aren’t going to explore and it was more to keep them on their specific homepage and stop them getting lost. New users will be locked to their specific page, I don’t expect they’ll ever go exploring to find out.
+1 for Homarr. I didn’t need to learn how to write any configs. Everything can be setup in realtime, in the GUI, and is immediately testable. Homarr brought a homepage down to my skill level.
My only wish is to lock homepages behind user permissions but it’s fine, my family friends don’t intend to explore, just to get to where they’re going.
Butter chicken is a freezer staple in our house. Everything into a multi-cooker (except dairy), cook, add dairy, jar it up, and freeze. Delicious batch cooking
I thought Libation merely broke the TOS, not violated the law (UK). Doesn’t matter, I’m on a different vendor now.