Chatty friend of the Fediverse! Moderator of m/dryherbvapes and m/quickstart
Thanks for the shameless plug opportunity for m/dryherbvapes!
Funny you should say that I actually literally just started a magazine which I’m beginning to fill with basic mobile UI tips for those who just want to get going: m/quickstart
Yep the UI is excellent for my needs. It looks great and is easy to interact with. There are a few nooks and crannies for settings which I imagine will throw a few new users off but it appeals to my ‘learn by clicking random buttons’ nature.
Welcome friends! Make yourselves at home.
Kbin works like a dream except for the occasional server error.
Ah nostalgia. I used to host a hip hop vbulletin that everyone migrated to after the biggest one closed down.
The thing he doesn’t comprehend is that third party apps were reddit’s value creation engine.
But if you think everything in life is a zero sum game you are delusional.
How many people would have happily spent some of the free credits Google play store awards on paying an annual £5 to be able to continue using RIF to cover API costs?
This is exactly my interpretation. They leverage tools above and beyond the average user. This makes the time they spend engaging with the platform more productive, higher quality, and more visible than the average user. Think of it not as power in the political sense, but in the sense of a ‘power’ tool.
Honestly I don’t think it matters, because Ihis exact thing happened after I created m/dryherbvapes, just a few hours before m/vaporents and !vaporents were created. I added them to the sidebar, subscribe and join into discussion on all three.
As far as I am concerned there is room for different communities with their own vibes about the same subject on the Web. I mean it happens in real life so why not?
Anyway kbin has a feature where it recommends similar magazines so that will be a huge opportunity for cross pollination once everything gets indexed fully.
Edit: typo
I agree wholeheartedly with @macracanthorhynchus but I also have my own hypothesis about how things will evolve.
The special thing that Forums had that was mostly missing from the centralised reddit subs was the sense of intimacy within the community. Specifically to the extent that you would get to know some of the members despite the anonymity.
The Fediverse allows us to have the best of both worlds in this respect. You’ll pay special attention to the communities you are fond of, while at the same time keeping an eye on the rest.
Anyway, that’s just my half baked prediction, but I hope it comes true!
Yep I’ve seen my super niche kbin community grow to almost 50 subs in under a week. Started off slow but gaining traction.
I almost exclusively use #dryherbvapes because I was sick of having inflamed sinuses from combustion.
Same, but I’ve been on lemmy a little and the atmosphere seems great too.
Mighty+ but use v3pro for stealth