It transcends platforms
It transcends platforms
10/10. It’s wireless
Much to learn it seems
There’s quite a few actually, a lot of great views of lakes and rivers. Snow gets pretty heavy up there too.
That’s the most butterfly looking butterfly
Is that was was going on? I just kept getting under maintenance messages
The cyberpsychosis side quests will give you a good amount of money if you don’t kill them. Use gorilla arms to beat them up. Also you CANNOT reset your skill points so whatever build you go with, you’ll kinda be stuck with. I recommend maxing out 2 or 3 of them of your choosing to 10.
Hell yeah, spiders🕷️
I went to the cool guy party, and they didn’t even know you.
I’d say check out connect and liftoff
Well it worked for me, deactivated today. First RIF now twitter, what a day.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 😭😂💀 (I’m just trying to hit)
I too let my account sit in the RIF purgatory lol, I thought there weren’t any apps but theres already a couple to pick from on the play strore. People are fast
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