About a month I guess
But that’s not an issue from systemd but by the software devs, which are saying they only support systemd
Mmmh can I test myself, I should have had it already due how close I was most of the time 🤔
Apple tries to trademark their apple logo, not the bitten one a full apple in my country…
The latest beta (84) update nothing loads anymore :/
€: fixed
The only reason which this decision would make any sense is a new feature which is going to generate more money for reddit
Thanks for the fixes it got a bit better, but still has issues
Post settings (in the info you talk about cards but the title is about the generell posts?)
Comment settings
Signed up :)
€: how would you like to have feedback?
Some Stuff I found with the 72 version:
Yay for the user tag fix :)
Nope on Version 72 and same issue, it pushes everything down
Depending which settings you have active or which post style you can have already different swipe mechanics
Yea saw that bug as well :)
Yea I guess that would be better, BTW is it possible to highlight new comments? I see there is a new comment but finding can be hard
Great update as always, love seeing it getting better and better with tones of features:)
Small visual issue, the is no space between the user name and the tag, dunno if it would make sense to visually (color or style) difference between the name and tag
Yea I drove in a Sprinter, wasnt fun all the time :)