I don’t think you understand.
Most of those 200 years aligns with Trump’s agenda
He’s not the deviation. Historically speaking, Trump is the norm.
That doesn’t mean I’m giving up, but I’m not going to fool myself about the odds of success either.
I don’t think you understand.
Most of those 200 years aligns with Trump’s agenda
He’s not the deviation. Historically speaking, Trump is the norm.
That doesn’t mean I’m giving up, but I’m not going to fool myself about the odds of success either.
Jones has a right that his assets not be sold unreasonably as a fire sale or for an illegitimate purpose
Genuinely asking: is that true in any way shape or form?
Because I was under the impression that when assets are seized they stop being yours and you have no right to anything regarding them. But maybe that only applies to poor people
My concern is that they’ll further weaken the already pathetic judicial process for deportation (justifying it by saying it speeds up the process “and we have so many cases to get through”) and citizens who get swept up by the machine won’t have a chance to prove their citizenship. Because when the REAL goal is oppression and elimination of a minority group, “accidentally” deporting a few hundred citizens is a feature not a bug.
If it gets that bad, your only hope is to have your documents on you at all times and hope that you’re lucky enough for the boots on the ground to walk past you because of it.
Damn, way to miss the mark 🤣🤣🤣
Vote progressive in the primaries
Get enough Progressives and enough left-leaning Democrats together on the issue of rank choice voting, and it really could happen. Obviously, I’m of the opinion that it’s the only way it could happen. So even if the chances are small, it’s what I think we should shoot for.
I could be wrong, but isn’t the “not annexing” because he doesn’t recognize it as a separate territory in the first place?
Let’s not pretend they don’t know what they’re doing. He means it exactly like that, and so does everyone who’s listening to him.
If you’re “out” then stop coming on social media to argue with people.
You don’t want anything to do with the situation, but yet you insist on being part of the conversation.
Without me
Nobody asked you to be part of this conversation, yet you keep showing up. If your morals are so important to you, how about you keep your word.
asked to be part of a political system
But, you’re not being asked. You already are. You don’t get to pretend you’re not, just because you didn’t give your permission. This isn’t an opt-in situation.
And I get that maybe you feel that isn’t fair, and I agree it isn’t. Just like none of us asked to be born, none of us asked to be part of society either. But we are, and we have to deal with that now.
His point is that some people think killing is so wrong that they’ll actively advocate for a course of action that will kill waaaaay more people.
You value your own moral purity over the lives of other people.
That’s his point.
That’s how it’s going to be as long as we continue to use First Past the Post voting.
And since the only people who have the desire, and potentially the power, to change that are Progressives who caucus with the Democrats, vote Progressive in the primaries and Democrat in the general. If you’re not willing to do that, then yeah you might as well get comfortable with the current system.
Call him any way you want, he can still hear you.
So what you’re saying is they think it’s sporing
like Jill Stein
Putin sponsored professional Democrat spoiler Jill Stein? That Jill Stein?
Stability doesn’t mean “peace” it means “things don’t get worse.” And I think we both know that things could be A LOT worse.
IMO this is the real answer. Geopolitical stability in the region, at the cost of letting Israel do whatever it wants including genociding the Palestinians. It makes me sick, but I have a sinking feeling that if we allowed the entire region become unstable, that would make me sick as well.
“Quagmire” is a word for a reason.
The problem is that “biological man/woman” is a nonsense pseudoscientific term. There’s multiple forms of sex determination: chromosomal, hormonal, and phenotypical, for example. And none of them necessarily reflect gender, which is about how the brain develops.
Chromosomal sex is what most people think of when they use terms like “biological man/woman” but the chromosomes themselves aren’t nearly as important as the SRY gene which, if present and active, triggers an embryo to develop hormonally and phenotypically male sex characters and male gender. But the SRY gene isn’t always where it’s supposed to be or working how it’s supposed to work, which can cause mismatches between sexual development and gender.
And that’s only one known potential cause due somebody to be transgender. There are more that we know of, and probably more that we don’t know of.
So yeah, “biological male/female” is a gross oversimplification to the point of being straight up bullshit.
And some that ran unopposed weren’t unopposed until they harassed and threatened their opposition into dropping out of the race.
“He’s committing the must heinous crimes against our society, a hostile takeover of the government, completely bypassing the rule of law. Could there be some kind of conflict of interest here?”
I laugh to keep from weeping.