007: Nightfire
Even if you’re not a huge James Bond fan, it’s still a fantastic game. I sank countless amounts of hours into it as a kid. The multiplayer is top notch as well.
Really can’t go wrong with any of the Bond games on the PS2.
007: Nightfire
Even if you’re not a huge James Bond fan, it’s still a fantastic game. I sank countless amounts of hours into it as a kid. The multiplayer is top notch as well.
Really can’t go wrong with any of the Bond games on the PS2.
I use Thunder for the exact same reasons. I’m personally not a big fan of the Apollo look. Just doesn’t do it for me. Thunder has also been the most stable for me as well.
I love to boot up Red Dead Redemption 2 and go on little hunting / fishing trips as Arthur. I play it as close to real life as I can, meaning I don’t just sprint across the map on horseback and get to my destination in five minutes or less. I have Arthur eat breakfast, ride the trails for a few in game hours, eat lunch, ride until dark, set up camp, eat dinner, brush / feed the horse, sleep, repeat. If I go through a town on my way, I’ll usually stop for a day to experience some entertainment or do a bit of gambling. It can take multiple in game days to reach a hunting / fishing spot. I’ll set up a camp once there, do some hunting / fishing for a few days, and then ride back home. It’s just super relaxing for me and helps me appreciate the little details in the game even more.
Assassin’s Creed III. I know it’s considered one of the weakest entries in the series, but I absolutely love the time period it’s set in. That alone had me excited. Decided to finally give it a try recently and quickly found out that all the criticisms are valid. It’s not very fun, the story is extremely bland, there are multiple glitches throughout, and the modern day sections are just the absolute worst. I don’t ever expect much when it comes to the AC series (especially the titles from that time) and can usually find something enjoyable in them. Not the case with III.
I just finished replaying the Arkham games. Thinking about not moving to the Uncharted series since I’ve only ever played the first game, a tiny bit of the second, and half of the fourth. Want to experience the series / story in full.
Strattera was the first medication I was prescribed after being diagnosed. At first, it worked great. My mind was clear for the first time ever and able to focus! As time went on, it became less effective. Didn’t have many side effects that I can remember. Main one was dry mouth.
I tried it again a few years ago after Adderall started making me sick, but it didn’t work at all sadly. Hopefully it will for you though!
Started playing Styx: Master of Shadows last week. I’m not that far into yet, but I’ve really enjoyed the few missions I have played. I’m a big fan of stealth games and fantasy settings, so I’m not sure how I missed this one when it originally came out.