Yeahhh that’s not how diplomacy works. That’s how edgy high school kids would imagine running NATO.
Yeahhh that’s not how diplomacy works. That’s how edgy high school kids would imagine running NATO.
I can’t imagine he’s someone to strongarm. Nor would it be good for the alliance if members are forced into accepting things they don’t want.
I’d imagine he got his desired concessions, or it was mostly just bluster for internal politics.
I wonder how bad it would be to just let weak companies collapse and weaker jobs disappear.
There’s a bunch of dysfunctional companies and jobs that are mostly kept afloat by cheap money and parasitic behaviors. Would be interesting to prune the economic system and see if capitalism flourishes again.
Don’t threaten the US with a good time.
Wtf how is this even possible? Are the Lemmy devs smoking crack? If you’re going to run a reddit alternative, it may be wise to sanitize the fuck out of everything posted on there.
Tldr; The last few yards of pipes are owned by the property owners. Cities are replacing their lead pipes just fine, but property owners aren’t. These people want the government to pay for replacing pipes on private properties.
These people are likely the same people who vote for tax reductions and plead for a ‘small government’.
It makes no sense for government to pay for new pipes for private properties. Let the property owners pay for it.
For the past decades, farmers have been pushed by the agrarian industry to keep more and more cows for beef and dairy. This has caused huge nitrogen emissions that now are wreaking havoc on our nature. Politicians have been too gummy with the industry, and too scared of their electorate, to do anything about it.
So now they have been forced by the supreme court to drastically cut emissions before 2035. This has caused massive protests from the farmers, who have resorted to violent attacks on the government, and physically threatening politicians and their families.
Tldr; it’s a shitshow caused by political nearsightedness and lack of leadership.
You wish. Young people are far less likely to vote than older people. Sadly NBC is likely right.