• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Yeah i’m the world’s worst listener and I absolutely hate it so I’m always trying to find ways to fix it. I can watch entire season runs without knowing what happened. I’ve been known to go to the cinema and leave without having paid attention to a single thing. I’ve listened to literally hundreds of podcasts but don’t bother any more because there’s just no point. Five minutes at best and my mind goes elsewhere.

    Ironically if there’s something else I’m trying to focus on and there is a TV or something happening in my peripheral I often can’t tune it out… lol

  • OK I’m sold - I hear a lot of good things about OneNote but I struggled to understand the appeal on first glance. If it is good enough that you can find notes that far back then that could work well for me.

    Btw Planner is great if you haven’t used it. It’s designed as a collaborative tool but I use it mostly as a way of keeping track of where I am with various tasks. I put it in my startup folder so it comes up as soon as I log on. I’ll make checklists and basically talk to myself via card comments. Comments are timestamped and are forwarded to outlook so it’s a better way of logging things than my usual method of digging through old Outlook messages. It has a couple of shortfalls but its really keeping me sane at the moment

  • I didn’t even realise Mortal Kombat was available on those 2 platforms! My friend’s dad sold me 2 A500s, an A500+ and a crate of cracked floppies for £20 back in the early 2000s when they were out of favour. I hunted down a null-modem cable so I could copy ADFs over from the PC,. Played a lot of Premier Manager on those, and reading old disk magazines. But mostly my memories are of guru meditation errors, cleaning the dust from the mouseball and contending with dodgy floppy disks / drives.

  • Not dead but definitely on life support. I really do miss old forums. Reddit / Discord / Fediverse don’t come close to the old community feel. Facebook groups aren’t so bad sometimes for that but then the content is organised terribly. Say what you will about forum search engines but I could always rely on being able to enter a keyword or two and get what I was looking for.

    A lot of forums I frequented were actually pretty well organised with subforums. It just isn’t the same these days.

    Also web forums were the absolute best for petty drama. I do miss that in a weird way. Always that one angry gatekeeper flaming everyone.

  • The way I look at it is that I’m more happy that we’ve progressed since than I’m upset about what people were laughing at back then. Regardless of who was on the receiving end the comedy was good and I will enjoy it without guilt. That being said if somebody made those jokes today it would be a different story

  • Oh yeah I watched a ton of 70s sitcoms a few years back. Mostly Norman Lear and MTM productions. Stuff like All In The Family, Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons, Mary Tyler Moore and its spin-offs. Watch a ton of Happy Days in anticipation of watching one or two of the 80s spinoffs, but never managed to finish it and lost my appetite for any more of that. Lol.

    I never finished MASH just because its one of those shows you have to be in the mood for. but I enjoyed it and finished the first couple seasons. I need to finish it sometime.

    The laugh track thing is weird - after watching so many 70s and 80s sitcoms I tune it out. I think its not so bad when the jokes are actually good and its a live audience, but some of those early 2000s shows were so obnoxious with it.

    Interestingly I think they released some MASH episodes without the laugh track. You should look hat up if you go for a rewatch