Call me corny but a little floppy disk or a globe or something could be cool
Polar Patroller and Star Fox stan. Basketball watcher. Listens to a lot of dnb
Call me corny but a little floppy disk or a globe or something could be cool
They still aren’t winning a chip with Ayton. They need depth too
Toasting in an epic bread
Yeah it’s not like Reddit is a governmental body here lmao. What’s the repercussion if they fake a vote? Downvotes?
Pretty obvious that these tools only apply to dissenting subs… after this all blows over, there won’t be a single reddit employee even looking at this system
Just wondering how long it takes til Reddit strips mods and forcibly reopens certain protesting subs
Furries, Avians and Scalies :3 people used to use these terms more back in the day!
Nice work! furry needs more 3d artists.
Comcast is a truly rotten company. Like without fail they continue to impress me on their new clever ways of misleading customers. Like remember “10G” from earlier this year…?
Yep! Reddit won’t die. It is becoming (and in some ways has been for some time) one of a very limited number of sites that the majority of the interconnected globe uses to exchange information, like Facebook. Even if it loses .5% of its current userbase to some alternative, it’s barely a drop in the bucket to Reddit, but that number is HUGE if it’s mostly dorks like us setting up a new home here in the Fediverse.
It’s a win-win; we want quality discussion here. Your average modern Reddit user wants the information drip. (And I should say, it’s entirely possible to be someone who uses both during this transition phase)
I like to try new stuff when I can, I’m not super picky. Usually drink bourbons if I’m feeling fancy. Had Knob Creek rye on the rocks recently and was pleasantly surprised!