It’s not a patient game yet, but I caved and got Alan Wake 2 the other week. In the early stages so far (the game’s quite scary!) but loving it.
I think Burnham was referencing Book, not Tyler, when she said she knows what it’s like to lose someone but got him back. Book died during the final events of 10C, but they magically zapped him back into existence, if I recall correctly.
Not sure either, ENT rewatch was some years ago… I think that might’ve been another time version / shapeshifter or something something?
Hah, yes! Or O’Brien, the most important Starfleet officer in history!
As a show with so much promise, I often felt Disco reached for big concepts but never quite managed to get there. It would get bogged down with pathos and dragged out plot lines. Unfortunately, season 5 felt no different. This episode dragged on and on for me. Mol and L’ak had mostly become irrelevant and were completely unnecessary in this episode.
I get the series got axed and additional scenes were shot to round things out. But that random “we’re all hugging” scene? It was weird. And didn’t the actress who played Detmer say their absence was planned and revealing anything would be a big spoiler or something? Well. No, it really wasn’t.
Kovitsch was Daniels? I think at that point of the story, he could’ve been anyone and it wouldn’t have landed. He could’ve been Sloane (not dead after all!) and it would’ve made as much sense and be just as meaningful to the story.
The progenitor plot? With a tick list of “clues” and “challenges” to lead the way, but ultimately we decide your worthiness to reshape the universe as we know it with a geometry puzzle? I can’t even.
Discovery had potential, back in the day, but disappointed year on year. I had hoped this final season would offer redemption, but alas. Decent bunch of actors, but with subpar writing that usually went nowhere coherent. I won’t miss it. Glad it’s done. I hope Paramount learnt some valuable lessons from this and moves things on.
Something about the former Primarch really reminds me of Sarris from Galaxy Quest.
Thanks for posting this here, just purchased it. Keen to dive into the 2D course and the Shaders course!
Did anyone else notice that the alien statues in 5x02 looked remarkably similar to the Batarians from Mass Effect?
Have a look at Three Minutes to Eight - small indie game released on Steam a while back. Haven’t given it a good run myself yet.
And as someone else mentioned: Oxenfree. Definitely good vibes there.
The Star Trek games I played growing up were 25th Anniversary (the ship battles were too complicated for 11yo me), later on I used my own pocket money and bought Final Unity. The Chodak are still a very cool alien race added to the universe. Loved those frog faces in space suits. :-)
Played and finished Elite Force and Armada. Earl Boehn (RIP) as a main villain was a moment of teenage glee being such a massive T2 and TNG nerd.
Interested in Resurgence, my husband recently played it on his PS5 but I don’t go near that machine. 😂
I’m at the Grymforge right now and Nere needs to be freed so I can stay safe in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. I’ll persevere, good to hear I’m getting close to your fave bit!
This is true! I’ve only dabbled with the tilemap features, but the changes made are impressive. And for more advanced users in 3D, it seems really quite phenomenal.
Ah, I didn’t know about this workaround - will give it a try and see if it helps me (removing the PsoCache.pak). The game runs OK on DX11, but it’s more stuttery than it used to be on my old GFX card (5700XT). Which I can’t seem to figure out, other than perhaps poorer driver optimisations, with the 7800XT being a newer card.
Will NEVER understand the people who lied to him in that scene. Or choose to shoot him in the back.
So much cool stuff to play with! Great summary by GDQuest. Integer scaling for pixel art - finally! Very chuffed with this.
Is Vulkan still broken on Linux for everyone, or is it just me?
Mesa 23.1 (thanks for nothing Manjaro for not releasing 23.2 until point update) and Radeon 7800XT
I was wondering if the “Previously” bit at the start was maybe Eugene Roddenberry, channeling his mum?
Loved the episode. Did I understand correctly that the Betazoids were travelling from planet to planet to find a cure for this rampant emotional telepathic event?
Does that mean T’Lyns powers extended that far?
Or were they secretly hunting for the alien ship? I got a little bit lost with the fast dialog.
On a random note, funny how in ten forward the two guys making out kept inserting themselves in almost every scene.
Is anyone perhaps able to summarise these alleged “best” settings? I hate YouTube clickbait.
This worked perfectly - thank you!!
For anyone else looking here later, the final shader code (confirmed working Godot 4.2) is:
shader_type canvas_item; uniform sampler2D screen_texture : hint_screen_texture; uniform vec4 water_color : source_color; uniform sampler2D wave_noise : repeat_enable; void fragment() { vec2 water_wave = (texture(wave_noise, UV * TIME * 0.02).rg - 0.5) * 0.02; vec2 uv = vec2(SCREEN_UV.x , SCREEN_UV.y - UV.y) + water_wave; vec4 color = texture(screen_texture, uv); float mix_value = 1.0 - UV.y; float avg_color = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0; avg_color = pow(avg_color, 1.4); mix_value += avg_color; mix_value = clamp(mix_value, 0.0, 0.7); COLOR = vec4(mix(water_color, color, mix_value).rgb, texture(TEXTURE, UV).a); }
Credits to Single-mindedRyan for creating this shader in the first place.