For maximal effect, read this while listening to the Animated Series theme. It’s like the TOS theme played sideways.
They’ve been really tight-lipped about the 2.0 release date. I think this was the first time they’ve officially confirmed that it’s before PL.
They mention a “next stream” that will feature the new cyberware. Presumably that’ll happen between now and 2.0 release, so… next week?
There were a lot of details about netrunner builds that were not present in the New Ways to Play video.
Overall, hacking is intended to be easier and more useful in the early game, and to have more depth and challenge as you advance.
It’s now possible to queue multiple hacks against an enemy. These will then be applied one by one. Managing the queue and hack combinations will be a key part of advanced netrunner play.
It’s now possible to hack enemies using the monowire. There are multiple perks related to hacking with monowire.
A new Overclock perk allows you to use health instead of RAM for hacking.
A new perk will unlock vehicle hacks. Besides the hacks already demonstrated, it will be possible to take remote control of a vehicle.
Smart guns will get bonuses for points spent on Intelligence.
The Naked Now was a bizarre choice for such an early episode. It’s the very first one after the premiere, and it’s based on the crew acting out of character – before the audience has had time to learn what their personalities are supposed to be.
The key reason why this failed is that it was prohibitively expensive to run. They had to maintain a cast of professional actors, and even minor hotel staff had to maintain story and character.
There’s a very small audience that’s willing to pay thousands of dollars for a Star Wars LARP, no matter how professionally it’s produced.
Yeah, the TV really breaks the immersion.
CDPR has officially said very little about this, mostly that they are rebalancing difficulty and “how you get items”, whatever that means.
Things that we know for sure:
Pawel Sasko has also mentioned some things that the gameplay team are unhappy with. This doesn’t mean that they necessarily get changed, but they may hint at what’s coming:
“Now it’s red! Now it’s blue! Now it’s red again!”
(Minor spoiler)
It’s been revealed that the Relic tree is unlocked during the PL storyline.
I’m going to play again from the start. I’m interested to see how different the game feels with all the systems changes that have been teased. Also, the new content in PL is supposed to slot into the main plot line, and I want to get a feel for how organic (or not) this is.
Yeah, that sixth slot has been a big “watch this space” from the start. I wonder what the narrative explanation will be for the Relic suddenly gaining new abilities.
The LotR version of the There Was Only One Bed trope is There Was Only One Horse