The first video is of a guy who was and idk if he still is a top source on the Xinjiang “human rights abuses” stuff. The second being another one of these “reliable sources”. I put the videos there to show how disingenuous these “sources” are.
The HRW article doesn’t have anything to prove these “sources” to be true. And so you can infer who is really trying to tell a lie.
Also if you still believe this stuff, HRW themselves have condemned Muslim countries who have investigated the conditions in Xinjiang, found nothing wrong and supported China.
Alot of the time the west uses Adrian Zenz (who you can read his Wikipedia page on why he is not trustworthy and is doubted even among European academic circles)
Here’s some reading and videos about the Uyghur stuff:
Yes, because Palestine is an undeniable issue that is as obvious as gravity, whereas this Uyghur stuff isn’t. Them reporting on a true genocide doesn’t stop them from being a western mouthpiece to parrot propaganda against their enemies.
Here’s some reading and videos about the Uyghur stuff:
But Palestine has heaps of evidence, this does not. Only anecdotes from questionable sources. They keep harping on about this to try to foment dissent and tear China apart.
Yea, I am. There used to be more controls about this stuff, but that was because China literally had lots of bombings from these Islamic fundamentalist groups. You can’t expect them to just let this stuff go and not have anything done.
That is not to say they could have done better and I’m not critical, but China has taken the best approach to this (which the Islamic Cooperation Community supported) which is re-education and re-integration with society.
They just continue to harp on these points with anecdotal evidence and no concrete sources. It is bullshit.
This stuff is obviously bullshit, and funded by the west. Decrying China for being anti-muslim and putting people into “concentration camps”, while simultaneously supporting the illegal settler colonial operation in Palestine
Yes, this is true! Palestine? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Propaganda site? And what you think HRW is totally impartial and unbiased? If you don’t want to read the article go and look at the sources then. They’re there for a reason.
And you think because it’s a YouTube link that it’s somehow untrustworthy? Where else do you want to find videos online? Dailymotion?