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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Ok when not glued: both magnets get pulled to each other. The hand has to use some force in order to stay in place, so the car moves.

    When glued: both magnets still get pulled to each other, but now the force is cancelled out since the force that would pull it forward also has to be used to hold the other in place.

  • Well you should assume that both guards follow the rules all time. Meaning that the initial setup of the rules cannot be trusted, because who knows if the talking Guard is lieing or not. If one does tell nothing but the truth this must be the one explaining the rules.

    However if I remember correctly it was setup that one will answer the truth while the other one will deceive me. Meaning he might tell the truth if it confused me.

    So no question might work.

  • Problem is:

    I have no idea what I asked it to do!

    For example I was creating systemd services and stuff because it is actually fun in comparison to init.d back in the days. Now I usually just copy paste tutorials and adjust it until my stuff works.

    But my boot time somehow got longer O didn’t noticed it at first, but when I finally digged to the problem it seems that for timed Services you don’t want the Service to be installed(or even able to be instlled) and only enable the timer.

    No tutorial told me that.

    To be fair I didn’t read the documentation on systemd. But who does?