I, too, am familiar with the effects of Ambien. For me, it’s usually evidenced by mysterious pots and pans in the sink.
#fullstack #developer
#flutter #dart #angular #node #express #typescript #javascript #firebase #mysql #sequelize
#gamer #gaymer
Some of my fav series are #monsterhunter #thelegendofzelda #finalfantasy #destiny #infamous and #portal. Big #emulators #ppsspp fan.
I like men.
#magicthegathering #pathfinder2e or #anime anyone?
#workout enthusiast
I stick to mostly #bodyweight #workouts. Burpees FTW!
#motorcycle lover
My last purchase was a #kawasaki Ninja 650.
I, too, am familiar with the effects of Ambien. For me, it’s usually evidenced by mysterious pots and pans in the sink.
A finger in the butt is always a nice surprise.
@goatmeal Hamburger Mary’s is a drag/hamburger joint with a family day on Sundays. Drag queens dressed up like Lucy, etc. serve hamburgers and do family-friendly comedy. Is this for all families? Probably not. But politicians should NOT be able to tell me I can’t take MY kid there. Especially when I can give consent for my child to see a rated-R movie with obscene amounts of gun violence and death. People having their heads blown off is seriously BETTER for a child to see than a man telling jokes in a dress?
There is definitely something satisfying about owning retro consoles and games. But it’s hard and expensive to find them sometimes, so I’ve been going the emulator/ROM route lately. I’ve found SO many amazing games. I’m playing the old Monster Hunter PSP games right now. I even installed Mario 64 for nostalgia, and I’m actually shocked how advanced that game is for its time.
@rave_demon looks delicious! Do you have a recipe?
Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s D.O.A.
@maegul here’s a link for kbin users.
And I think this is the global link format:: @JeriLRyan but does that alert her? I’m still so new to all of this.
@followthewhiterabbit glad I could help. Enjoy! And it’s still a good comparison thread.
@sweaty_jack dude your foreskin and body hair and shape are all perfect. I wanna sniff/lick your pits and ass and drink your loads :-)
@followthewhiterabbit I’m not sure if it’s out of your price range, but the whole Arkham Collection (all 3 games) is on sale for $9 right now. It’s definitely worth the extra $4 to get two more games. And they’re all great for different reasons in my opinion.
@QuietStorm not sure if you’re into FPS games, but I’ve sunken obscene amounts of time into Call of Duty Mobile and haven’t paid a dime. It’s free to play, but they advertise micro transactions to you, which are easily ignored. And I’ve played it no problem on a $50 Moto e6.
@TauZero you would use a join so that one call would fetch all comment rows for that post:
`SELECT p.post_id, p.title, p.description, c.text
FROM posts p JOIN comments c ON p.post_id = c.post_id
WHERE p.post_id = 79`
This would return a list of all comments for post 79, along with the post id, title, and description also in every row. This isn’t a perfect example of optimized SQL, and I have no idea if these are the correct table and field names, as I didn’t look them up. But it’s a simple example of joins.
I just use Bootstrap and don’t worry about learning CSS. Probably because I suck as CSS.
But if I can use a few Bootstrap classes to make my app ‘presentable’ and ‘professional-looking’ and spend my time on what’s important…functionality and security…then I’m happy to.