I’m so glad I’m not alone! I think you’re right and it could be a little bit of both. I took the advice here and reported over 200 today alone - that’s just insane!
I’m so glad I’m not alone! I think you’re right and it could be a little bit of both. I took the advice here and reported over 200 today alone - that’s just insane!
Exactly! I thought I may be the only one since the account is so old, but it’s good to hear I’m not alone (no offense intended).
I will start this week. It’s one of those things that I’ve known that I should do for a very long time, but just have been putting off because it’s a pain in the butt. I guess how’s the time, huh?
Very true!
I know (sigh). I should probably start migrating to something else, but there are soooo many things that are tied to this email account. I need to find out if I can forward from outlook to something else - that might help catch anything that might fall through the cracks.
Thanks, that’s kind of what I figured. What a pain in the butt though!
Ohmygosh, thank you so much!! I was just complaining to hubby yesterday that if I was still on that other site that I could find a doctor in my area, but I didn’t want to even go to the site. This is a god send, thank you and hugs to you virtual stranger!!!
Thank you, it looks fabulous!
Can you share the recipe?
I’m in the US and deleted all my posts & comments months ago. I also deleted my account when the whole ruckus started over there. Just tried this search and low and behold, my old posts came up. Not happy about this.
I totally agree. Folks are much nicer here and I feel more free to make a comment, no matter how mundane. I’m commenting and posting more than I ever would before because no one beats me up here. I still have the fear of posting anything because of the backlash, but I think that’s ptsd from the other site and I’m getting over it slowly but surely. I love this place.
I replied earlier, but I guess it didn’t stick for some reason. Yes, we have only one single stream.
Yes, only one single stream
Not me. When me and hubby couldn’t watch different shows at the same time in the same house a room apart, I cancelled the account and never looked back. They’ll never get my money again.
This is awesome! I’m so glad this came out so quickly, I didn’t expect it so soon. Big thanks to the dev team, all of us refugees really appreciate you and your hard work!! It’s so nice to have a place to call home now :)
I’m new, an original refugee and don’t understand everything yet. I’m finding this place much more friendly and helpful and like it much better. I’m older (55) and used to work in IT, but all this still baffles me. I’m not going back because I abhor what’s going on. I’m hopeful that with time, all my favorite subs will be here and I already spend a lot of time here. I feel much more free to comment without fear of retribution and that’s a welcome relief. It was rather ostracizing on Reddit to feel that I shouldn’t comment because of all the negativity I would get. My life’s hard enough without getting put down for every little thing I said. I love it here and I’ve only been here for a week or so. Thanks everyone for being so nice.
Thank you!! I literally had no idea about this. You rock!
Thank you!!! I have a feeling I’ll spend a lot of time there :)
Thank you, great advice!