Oh a good old Poseidon’s kiss…
Oh a good old Poseidon’s kiss…
8 people rated it helpful?
And the Ukraine is chasing Russians back where they came from.
Youtube channel of the company park tool has some great videos for repairing almost anything on bikes.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaZ1sPWEuZN-I8_XT6AH8g
Used their videos when I started to work at a bicycle shop to teach myself how to repair some things and I still do rewatch some of the videos occasionally when I need to refresh my mind.
Sending this straight to my girlfriend
For anyone strugling, it’s dolphin
I looked it up, his life story is terrible but informative and hopefully discouraging many people doing the same to their children/patients.
This is so bad, that it is funny
What is this? Or is it just for people who want to leave? Should I want to leave? Does my live even have a purpose in this world? I need answers!!!
I wouldn’t know I don’t shit sicce I’ve joined lemmy
Onya marx… Get set… Go!