But breathing is a prerequisite of living, so while you may not be able to walk every day you are alive (you become disabled or elderly) you will always breath. Over the course of a life, breathing is likely the better income.
But breathing is a prerequisite of living, so while you may not be able to walk every day you are alive (you become disabled or elderly) you will always breath. Over the course of a life, breathing is likely the better income.
Well there’s only 10 options, try them all! (For science)
Any recommendations for recipe? It sounds interesting, but I’m seeing a lot of variation in recipes.
Jamaican patties?
The trap has a timer that uses prestidigitation to clean the area shortly there after.
That increase isn’t in spite of the company’s layoffs. It is because of them.
The feedback cycle rewards this behavior, so it will continue to happen.
“Manna” from Marshall Brian. It’s a available online: https://marshallbrain.com/manna1
Ah, winning was easy, young man, governing’s harder
This can probably be modeled off the Digg to Reddit transition. Digg made a couple bad decisions in a row and Reddit exploded. Reddit is making a couple potentially bad decisions in a row, so give it a year or two and the fediverse will come around.
With the rising sea levels due to glacial melt the saltiness of the water is going down, so really this is just doing the fish a solid! /s
Which group of pirates are the most fun to sail with?
Did you just make a universal API?
Yup, that’s terrible. PSC’s still have a long way to go and we need to find encapsulation technologies to extend their life more, but where they shine is that they should be dirt cheap. If they cost 1/4 of silicon based cells, but only last 1/2 as long, that’s still a massive improvement.
An ROV could attach a couple lift bags to it, fill them and bob it to the surface for retrieval, but the problem would be that it would take a lot of compressed gas to get the initial lift considering 13,000 ft is like 385 atm. Once it gets moving though, watch out!
Why spend R&D when you have something that works? Companies don’t care about anything that they aren’t legally forced to care about.
AI is only as good as the model it is trained on, so while there are absolute truths, like most scientific constants, there are also relative truths, like “the earth is round” (technically it’s irregularly shaped ellipsoid, not “round”), but the most dangerous “truth” is the Mandela effect, which would likely enter the AI’s training model due to human error.
So while an AI bot would be powerful, depending on the how tricky it is to create training data, it could end up being very wrong.
It’s not the sulphites, but the chitosan that acts as a clarifier that comes from shrimp shells and makes it not vegan.