What a good boy 😻
What a good boy 😻
Yep now I just get to die alone.
This is why I’m stuck on a pixel lmao
Picture Is missing :(
Lmao exactly. Would have to find an interested girl in order to be able to make out with them lmao
Bravo. Thank you for your service.
Bitwarden definitely has vaults. I believe you just have to pay for the full version to get it.
Of course. I feel like they’ve always made it clear that they would rather go bankrupt than sell Sega to anyone else. 🤣
This is exactly why kbin just isn’t a practical option yet. Should just stick to Lemmy at least for now.
It should be regulated in terms of selling, because things like edibles can really mess someone up. While some people can handle a lot with no problem, it can get legitimately psychedelic for others. Regulation in shops allows for much better quality control and helps curate a positive experience for everyone.
But it absolutely should not be treated any differently than taking Adderall in the morning and driving or drinking caffeine and then driving, just like you said. Because a lot of people don’t react to THC in a way that inebriates them at all, as long as they don’t overdo the amount. Also, there’s no way to easily check someone’s active THC percentage, as that shit just stays in their system for a long time.
Statistics are very clear about how much lower a risk smoking and driving is compared to drinking, so nobody with just THC in their system should be being given a DUI unless we completely change how DUIs work in general.
While driving under the influence of marijuana is less risky than driving under the influence of alcohol, it can still be a dangerous activity. Of course, people who are going to drive after smoking should be aware of their limits and cautious not to get too high before driving.
Sure, yeah totally…
Is this just not the most angry and avengeful boy you’ve ever seen?
Yay… Glad to see Nickelodeon is as shitty at making video games as ever 🫤
I 100% agree. This sounds hilarious!
For reals? I legit thought this would be something like “found this brick of weed burried 30 years ago”
This is Da wae