Ohh, PopOS is new to me. Thanks! I’ll take a look
Ohh, PopOS is new to me. Thanks! I’ll take a look
I hope it does coalesce into something good. I was so tired of the toxicity on Reddit from both regular users and the power-tripping mods. Yuck.
Yup, I also got suspended for a week for “harassing” someone for asking them for proof because they were being a bigot. She realized she couldn’t defend it and reported one of my comments, so another bigoted sub mod banned me and deleted all my comments. All of her nasty comments stayed up, though. Isn’t Reddit great?
Windows 10 because I can’t upgrade to 11 for some arbitrary reason. I tried Ubuntu years ago but it was so much work trying to get it to just work that it really put me off. So unless the Linux ecosystem improved and by a wide margin and it has decent support for the software I use, I don’t think I’m changing anytime soon.
Hear me out: *points to username*
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be beetlejuicing here all week. *bows to the audience*