RISING above the ranks 😉
Vue > React. FNV > 3 or 4. No shortcuts, no pay-to-win, no OF, keep your money - you probably pay for loot boxes too, weirdo. I live in an RV so my location changes!
RISING above the ranks 😉
Damn right you better, you started this job I expect it finished :x
Working up to a manager position!
The eternal struggle between bratty wit and mindless obedience 🫦
as you wish! 🐾
Thank you for that flattery, I love my oxxo gooseneck tbh!
I think my ass-to-waist ratio is fine right where it is sir!! 😅
tyvm!!! 🔥🔥 guilty as charged
I usually take it black but I’ll make an exception this time 😘
Yes I am tyvm! My body is super sensy to everything, I have to take the good with the bad 😇
You’re welcome to try mr. charmer 😜
Well then I’ll have to take another kitchen themed shot then!! tyvm for the flattery :x
Right now, coffee… but that could be a fun shoot!!
If this RV is a rockin’… it’s probably mother nature at this point lol
I will happily oblige :x
Well tyvm! I wish that was a hand print and I wish that little one above was a bite mark/hickie, but alas :x
as you wish!